FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.1, April 2001 SOUTH AFRICA 41

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1.22 million sq.km
Sub-tropical with rains concentrated in the summer months (November-April); occasional snow in winter over higher parts of plateau and Cape ranges; an average of 120 days frost in the interior plateau
40.38 million (2000 estimate); GNP per caput US$3 160 (1999)
Specific characteristics of the country:
Normally net food exporter, notably maize
Adequate port, rail and road facilities
Major foodcrops:
Maize, wheat
Marketing year:
May/April; Lean season: February-April
Share of cereals in total calorie intake:
54 percent


Prospects for the 2001 maize crop are unfavourable. Well below-average rains and high temperatures in January and early February, particularly in western growing areas, stressed developing crops. Rains in mid-February provided relief to the affected areas but arrived too late to prevent yield reductions. Dry weather resumed in late February and March, worsening growing conditions. Preliminary forecast point to a maize output of 7.2 million tonnes, 34 percent below last year's good level. This reflects the insufficient precipitation but also a decrease of 17 percent in the area sown, due to low domestic prices at planting time.

Production estimates of the 2000 wheat crop have been revised upwards to 2.1 million tonnes, one-third above the poor harvest of the previous year and above average.


  Wheat Rice Coarse grains Total
Normal Production 2 093 3 8 527 10 623
Normal Exports 631 486 544 1 661
2000/01 Domestic Availability 2 122 2 11 606 13 730
2000 Production (rice in paddy terms) 2 122 3 11 606 13 731
2000 Production (rice in milled terms) 2 122 2 11 606 13 730
Possible stock drawdown - - - -
2000/01 Utilization 2 822 602 11 877 15 301
Food Use 2 439 532 4 581 7 552
of which: local purchase requirement - - - -
Non-food use 140 60 4 203 4 403
Exports or Re-exports 50 - 1 800 1 850
Possible stock build up 193 10 1 293 1 496
2000/01 Import Requirement 700 600 271 1 571
Anticipated commercial imports 700 600 270 1 570
Food aid needs - - - -
Current Aid Position        
Food aid pledges - - - -
of which: Delivered - - - -
Donor-financed purchases - - 144 144
of which: for local use - - - -
for export - - 144 144
Estimated Per Caput Consumption (kg/Year) 60 13 114 187
2000 production as % of average:       129
2000/01 import requirement as % of average:       95

FAO/GIEWS - April 2001

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