FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.1, April 2001 SUDAN 42

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2.4 million sq.km
From north to south, arid, semi-arid and tropical wet-dry. Rainy season: May-October
31.95 million (2001 estimate); GNP per caput: US$330 (1999)
Specific characteristics of the country:
Low-income food-deficit country; cereal production mainly in eastern and central areas.
Roads, railway and river transport inadequate
Major foodcrops:
Sorghum, millet, wheat, roots and tubers, oils
Marketing year:
November/October; Lean season: September-October
Share of cereals in total calorie intake:
51 percent


An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission which visited the country late last year estimated a well below-average coarse grain production following late rains and prolonged dry spells. By contrast, prospects for the 2001 wheat crop, now being harvested, is promising. Total cereal production in 2000/01, estimated at 3.4 million tonnes, is about 20 percent below the previous five years' average.

Serious food shortages have emerged in several parts of the country due to the Lower harvests and depletion of stocks leading to a sharp rise in cereal prices. The population most affected by the current poor season are found mainly in Darfur, Kordofan, North Bahr el Ghazal, Bahr el Jebel, East Equatoria, Jonglei, Juba and Butana province in Gezira State. About 600 000 of these people will be in dire need of urgent food assistance. In addition, some 2.4 million people affected by the ongoing civil strife in the south will need continued assistance. With few resources left and coping mechanisms stretched to the limit, farmers and other vulnerable groups have already started to migrate in search of work and food. Consumption of seed grains will reduce their productive capacity and ability to sustain themselves in the coming agricultural season. A timely and targeted intervention is essential to prevent further human suffering.

The erratic rainfall also had a devastating effect on range vegetation, as well as on the availability of feed from grain and crop residues, especially in rainfed areas. The drastic fall in feed is expected to lead to widespread under-nutrition in livestock. Market supply of livestock has increased substantially, depressing prices and thus household incomes.

An revised Emergency Operation was jointly approved in January 2001 by FAO and WFP for food assistance to 2.4 million people affected by war, drought and floods, worth an additional US$50.2 million for a period of 4 months.


  Wheat Rice Coarse grains Total
Previous five years average production 418 3 3 871 4 292
Previous five years average imports 694 28 64 786
2000/01 Domestic Availability 330 3 3 141 3 474
2000 Production (rice in paddy terms) 330 5 3 069 3 404
2000 Production (rice in milled terms) 330 3 3 069 3 402
Possible stock drawdown - - 72 72
2000/01 Utilization 1 341 28 3 231 4 600
Food Use 1 303 26 2 834 4 163
of which: local purchase requirement - - 20 20
Non-food use 38 1 377 416
Exports or Re-exports - - 20 20
Possible stock build up - 1 - 1
2000/01 Import Requirement 1 011 25 90 1 126
Anticipated commercial imports 1 000 25 - 1 025
Food aid needs 11 - 90 101
Current Aid Position        
Food aid pledges 3 - 23 26
of which: Delivered 3 - 18 21
Donor-financed purchases - - - -
of which: for local use - - - -
for export - - - -
Estimated Per Caput Consumption (kg/Year) 41 1 89 130
2000 production as % of average:       79
2000/01 import requirement as % of average:       143

FAO/GIEWS - April 2001

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