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1. Opening of the Session

2. Adoption of the Agenda and Timetable

3. Review of the Work of the Committee

4. Proposal for Improving Global Reporting on Status and Trends of Fisheries

5. Advice on FAO's Fisheries Research-Related Programmes/Activities

  1. Poverty in Coastal Fishing Communities
  2. Using Local and Traditional Knowledge in Improving Sustainable Livelihoods in Fishing Communities
  3. Research and Development of Appropriate Genetic Biotechnologies for the Fishery Sector in Developing Countries

6. Review of Some Emerging Issues in Capture Fisheries and Aquaculture

  1. Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
  2. CITES Listing Criteria for Commercially-exploited Aquatic Species
  3. Ecosystem-based Management of Fisheries
  4. Update to ACFR Working Group on the Impact of Trade and Benefit Distribution

7. Future work of the Committee

8. Election of Officers

9. Date and place of the Fourth Session of ACFR

10. Any other matters

11. Adoption of the Report

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