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Proposed Draft Amendments to the Guidelines on Good Laboratory Practice (Agenda Item 8a)
Proposed Draft Amendments to the Introductory Section of the Recommended Methods of Analysis for Pesticide Residues (Agenda Item 8b)
Revision of the List of Methods of Analysis for Pesticide Residues (Agenda Item 8c)
Parameters and Criteria for the Assessment of the Suitability of Analytical Methods for CCPR Purposes (Agenda Item 8d)

200. The Committee recalled that its last session had considered several issues concerning the selection of methods of analysis and agreed on further work relating to single-laboratory validation for pesticide residues, and to update current methods of analysis. It had also been agreed that a Working Group would consider these questions during the session in order to facilitate discussion.

201. Dr Van Zoonen (Netherlands), Chair of the Working Group, presented the discussions and recommendations of the WG presented in CRD 16. The WG had prepared a proposed revised draft of the Guidelines on Good Laboratory Practice in Pesticide Residue Analysis, including criteria for the assessment of the suitability of methods (Annex II of CRD 16), and a proposed revised draft of the Introduction section (Annex III of CRD 16), and had also considered how to revise the Recommended Methods of Analysis document.

202. The Committee noted the work underway in the CCRVDF on the definition of criteria for the establishment of methods of analysis and recognized the importance of harmonization throughout Codex. It was also noted that the CCMAS had reached a clear conclusion on the approach to the use of recovery factors and was currently developing recommendations on how to address the question of measurement uncertainty.

203. The Committee expressed its appreciation to Dr Van Zoonen and the WG for their considerable work on complex issues, agreed that it should convene again at the next session. The Committee concurred with the recommendations of the WG presented in CRD 16.

Proposed Draft Amendments to the Guidelines on Good Laboratory Practice (Agenda Item 8a)[13]

204. The Committee recalled that the revision to the Guidelines had been approved as new work by the 47th Session of the CCEXEC and agreed that the Proposed Draft Revised Guidelines (Annex II to CRD 16) should be appended to the report and circulated for comments at Step 3 (see Appendix VII).

205. The Committee agreed that reference to measurement uncertainty should be deferred until its resolution in the CCMAS.

Proposed Draft Amendments to the Introductory Section of the Recommended Methods of Analysis for Pesticide Residues (Agenda Item 8b)[14]

206. The Committee recalled that the amendment to the Introduction section had been approved as new work by the 47th Session of the CCEXEC, in order to reflect the general acceptance of single laboratory method validation.

207. The Committee agreed that the Proposed Draft Amendment to the Introduction of the Recommended Methods of Analysis for Pesticide Residues should be appended to the report and circulated for comments at Step 3 (See Appendix VIII).

Revision of the List of Methods of Analysis for Pesticide Residues (Agenda Item 8c)[15]

208. The Committee agreed that an updated list of Recommended Methods of Analysis would be prepared on the basis of the criteria included in the revised text of the Guidelines and the Introduction, taking into account the information provided in reply to CL 1998/20-PR. The revised list of methods would be circulated for comments and consideration by the next session of the Committee.

Parameters and Criteria for the Assessment of the Suitability of Analytical Methods for CCPR Purposes (Agenda Item 8d)[16]

209. The Committee agreed to include the parameters and criteria in Table 3 of the Proposed Draft Revised Guidelines and in the Proposed Draft Revised Introduction of the Recommended Methods of Analysis.

[13] CX/PR 01/11, CRD 9 (Discussion paper) CRD 16 (Report of the Working Group on Methods of Analysis)
[14] CX/PR 01/12
[15] CX/PR 01/13
[16] CX/PR 01/14

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