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35. The Executive Committee decided that it would consider only those matters where its advice might be useful in helping the Commission arrive at a conclusion on the various issues raised. In particular, the Executive Committee decided not to consider matters that were the direct responsibility of the Commission or that were likely to be the subject of a more general and fuller debate in the Commission.

Antibiotics used on agricultural commodities and antimicrobial resistant bacteria in food

36. The Executive Committee noted that the first of these matters had been raised by the Committee on Pesticide Residues (ALINORM 01/24A para. 122) and the second by the Committee on Food Hygiene (ALINORM 01/13A, paras 132-142). In relation to the first matter, the Executive Committee was of the opinion that the use of antimicrobials on agricultural commodities should be subject to evaluation within a risk analysis framework; the question was whether the normal process used for the evaluation of pesticides was the appropriate one. In the second case, the Executive Committee agreed that consideration should be given to the consideration of antimicrobial resistant micro-organisms in food within a risk analysis framework on a case-by-case basis as micro-organism/food combinations were being assessed.

37. The Executive Committee agreed however that the issues raised by these Committees required a more general and multidisciplinary and multi-agency response. It noted the on-going work of the Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods and the Task Force on Animal Feeding. Moreover, it was aware of the recommendations contained in the WHO Global Principles for the Containment of Antimicrobial Resistance in Animals Intended for Food[6] and the work of the OIE. It noted that in the past, attempts to coordinate work between Codex Committees with diverse mandates had not always been successful and that the establishment of new task forces to deal with these specific issues had helped to resolve the issues at hand. Without prejudice to the possibility of establishing a new Task Force, it recommended that FAO and WHO should give consideration to convening as soon as possible a multidisciplinary expert consultation in cooperation with OIE and if required the IPPC, to advise the Commission on possible directions to be taken including the establishment of a new task force if necessary. The consultation should consider all uses of antimicrobials in agriculture and veterinary use (including aquaculture) and take into account the role played by antimicrobials as essential human and veterinary medicines. It noted that the convening of an additional expert consultation in the forthcoming biennium would be subject to the availability of funds.

Proposed Draft Revised Standard for Processed Cereal-Based Foods for Infants and Young Children

38. The Executive Committee noted that the 23rd Session of the CAC had returned the Proposed Draft Revised Standard for Processed Cereal-Based Foods for Infants and Young Children to Step 3 for further comments and consideration by the Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses. This Committee had recognized that it was not possible to reach consensus on the fundamental issue of the Scope (namely the age or age range of introduction of these foods to the diet) at this stage and that it would not be possible to make further progress on the revision.[7] However, the Executive Committee also noted that the Fifty-fourth World Health Assembly (Geneva, 14 to 22 May 2001) adopted a comprehensive resolution on infant and young child feeding[8].

39. The Executive Committee recommended that the World Health Assemble Resolution should be taken into account by the Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses and that the Committee should proceed to a conclusion of the revised standard as quickly as possible in order to satisfy the need for an adequate standard ensuring the quality and safety of these products in international trade.

Other matters arising from Codex Committees and Task Forces

40. The Executive Committee was unable to complete its review of matters arising from Codex Committees and Task Forces due to lack of time.

Other Business

41. There was no other business.

[5] ALINORM 01/21, Part IV, Add.1; Add.2 and Add.3.
[6] WHO document WHO/CDS/CSR/APH/2000.4
[7] ALINORM 01/26, paras. 88-102
[8] Resolution WHA 54/2, reproduced in document ALINORM 01/21, Part IV-Add.4.

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