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2.11 Lectures recommandées

La lecture des publications suivantes permettra aux responsables des pêches d’approfondir considérablement leur connaissance des cultures des communautés de petits pêcheurs et des différents problèmes auxquels elles se trouvent confrontées:

Acheson, James M. 1981. “Anthropology of fishing.” Annual Review of Anthropology 10: 275-316.

Acheson, James M. 1988. The lobster gangs of Maine. Hanover (New Hampshire): University Press of New England.

Andersen, Raoul, et Cato Wadel (dir. publ.) 1972. North Atlantic fishermen: anthropological essays on modern fishing. St. John’s (Terre-Neuve): Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland. Newfoundland Social and Economic Papers no. 5.

Berkes, Fikret (dir. publ.) 1989. Common property resources: ecology and community-based sustainable development. New York: Columbia University Press.

Casteel, Richard W., et George I. Quimby (dir. publ.) 1975. Maritime adaptations of the Pacific. La Haye: Mouton.

Cordell, John. 1989. A sea of small boats. Cambridge (Massachusetts): Cultural Survival, Inc. Cultural Survival Report 26.

Durrenberger, E. Paul. 1992. It’s all politics: South Alabama’s seafood industry. Champaign-Urbana (Illinois): University of Illinois Press.

Dyer, Christopher L., et James R. McGoodwin (dir. publ.) 1984. Folk management in the world’s fisheries: lessons for modern fisheries management. Niwot (Colorado): University Press of Colorado.

Ennis, Frances, et Helen Woodrow (dir. publ.) 1996. Strong as the ocean: women’s work in the Newfoundland and Labrador fisheries. St. John’s (Terre-Neuve): Harrish Press.

Felt, Lawrence F. et Peter R. Sinclair (dir. publ.) 1995. Living on the edge: the Great Northern Peninsula of Newfoundland. St. John’s (Terre-Neuve) Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland. Social and Economic Papers no. 21.

Johannes, R. E. 1978. “Traditional marine conservation methods in Oceania, and their demise”. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 9: 349-64.

Johannes, R. E. 1981. Words of the lagoon: fishing and marine lore in the Palau District of Micronesia. Berkeley (Californie): University of California Press.

Kurien, John. 1998. “Small-scale fisheries in the context of globalisation.” Working Paper No. 289, Centre for Development Studies, Kerala (Inde).

Le Sann, Alain. 1998. A livelihood from fishing: globalization and sustainable fisheries policies. Londres: Intermediate Technology Publication.

Maiolo, John R. et Michael K. Orbach (dir. publ.) 1982. Modernization and marine fisheries policy. Ann Arbor (Michigan): Ann Arbor Science Publishers.

McCay, Bonnie J. et James M. Acheson (dir. publ.) 1987. The question of the commons: the culture and ecology of communal resources. Tucson (Arizona): The University of Arizona Press.

McGoodwin, James R. 1990. Crisis in the world’s fisheries: people, problems, and policies. Stanford (Californie): Stanford University Press.

McGrath, Carmelita, Barbara Neis et Marilyn Porter (dir. publ.) 1995. Their lives and times: women in Newfoundland and Labrador: a collage. St. John’s (Terre-Neuve): Killick Press.

Nadel-Klein, Jane et Dona Lee Davis (dir. publ.) 1988. To work and to weep: women in fishing economies. St. John’s, (Terre Neuve): Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland. Social and Economic Papers no. 18.

Poggie, John J. et Richard B. Pollnac (dir. publ.) 1991. Small-scale fishery development: sociocultural perspectives. Kingston, Rhode Island: International Center for Marine Resource Development, University of Rhode Island.

Pollnac, Richard B. 1976. “Continuity and change in marine fishing communities. Kingston, Rhode Island: International Center for Marine Resources Development, University of Rhode Island”. Working Paper no. 10.

Pollnac, Richard B. 1988. “Social and cultural characteristics of fishing peoples.” Marine Behavior and Physiology 14: 23-39.

Ruddle, Kenneth et Tomoya Akimichi (dir. publ.) 1984. Maritime institutions in the Western Pacific. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. Senri Ethnological Studies no. 17.

Smith, M. Estellie (dir. publ.) 1977. Those who live from the sea: a study in maritime anthropology. St. Paul (Minnesota): West Publishing Company.

Spoehr, Alexander (dir. publ.) 1980. Maritime adaptations: essays on contemporary fishing communities. Pittsburgh (Pennsylvanie): University of Pittsburgh Press.

Thompson, Paul Richard. 1983. Living the fishing. Londres: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

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