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Other Agenda Items

62. The pioneering research and fishing by vessels of the USSR (now in the Ukraine) was noted. It was agreed that the information that had been collected is of great value and for this reason the meeting strongly recommended that the FAO be asked to explore ways of getting the data published and quantitative data entered into a data base that could be made available to those wishing to use it. In this regard it was noted that both Australia and New Zealand had purchased trawl survey data for their respective marine areas from Russia which had been collected during the Soviet era. It was agreed that efforts would be made to explore possibility of FAO funding the publication of this data.

63. It was noted that New Zealand had spent $50 000 in coding the results from 180 Soviet "survey" cruises. They offered to help in evaluating the usefulness of any data that were provided by the Ukraine.

64. The participants from New Zealand noted New Zealand's intention, together with the Government of Australia and in co-operation with the FAO, to hold a conference on the management of deepwater fisheries resources, possibly in 2003. It noted that it was planned that the conference be global in scope and extensive in the problems and topics that it addresses. The participants from Japan welcomed the initiative of New Zealand noting that no global review existed of what has happening in terms of fisheries of this type in the environment.

65. It was agreed that the results of the Swakopmund meeting should be provided to the regional Commission Review meeting planned for Madagascar in September.

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