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Appendice 2 - Documents de référence

ASTM Atlas of odor character profiles, publication DS 61, PCN 05-061000-36. Complied by Andrew Dravnieks.

ASTM Committee E-18, 235, draft of terminology document.

ASTM Aroma and Flavor Lexicon for Sensory Evaluation DS 66. G.V. Civille and B.G. Lyon, eds.

ASTM Committee E-18 on Sensory Evaluation of Materials and Products, 1981. STP 758 - Guidelines for the Selection and Training of Sensory Panel Members.

ASTM Committee E-18 on Sensory Evaluation of Materials and Products, Terminology Committee, (date?). Draft definition for «Expert» and «Expert Assessor».

Cardello, A. 1993. Sensory methodology for the classification of fish according to edibility characteristics. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft-und-Technologie 16, 190-194.

Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada. Code of practice for fishery products.

Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada. Regulations respecting the inspection of processed fish and processing establishments.

Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada, Inspection Branch. 1986 to 1995. Notes from «Sensory Methods in Fish Inspection» - Sensory Training course given by the National Centre for Sensory Science, Inspection Branch, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada.

Howgate, Peter 1992. Codex review on inspection procedures for the sensoric evaluation of fish and shellfish. CX/FFP 92/14.

IFST - International Institute of Food Science and Technology. «Sensory Quality Control: Practical Approaches in Food and Drink Production». Proceedings of a joint symposium at the U. of Aston, 6-7- January, 1977. Session II, «Measurement of Fish Freshness by an Objective Sensory Method». P. Howgate, p. 41.

ISO 5492 (1983) Sensory analysis - vocabulary.

ISO 8586-2 Sensory Analysis - General guidance for the selection, training and monitoring of assessors - Part 2. Experts

Jellined, G. 1985. Sensory Evaluation of Food - Theory and Practice. Ellis Horwood, Ltd., Chichester, England.

Johnsen, et al., 1987. A lexicon of pond-raised catfish flavor descriptors. J. Sensory Studies 4, 189-199.

Laverty, 1991. «Torry Taste Panels». In Nutrition and Food Science, Vol 129 No. 2-4. Includes terminology based on odor of gills in raw, iced cod.

Learson, Robert 1994, personal correspondence. NOAA/NMFS Research Laboratory, Gloucester, MA.

Multilingual guide to EC freshness grades for fishery products. Torry research station, Aberdeen, Scotland and the West European Fish Technologists Association (WEFTA). Compiled and edited by P. Howgate, A. Johnston, and K.J. White.

NOAA Handbook 25, part 1, Inspection.

NOAA/NMFS, Technical Services Unit.

Kramer and Liston, (eds) Seafood Quality Determination. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Seafood Quality Determination, Coordinated by the University of Alaska Sea Grant College Program, Anchorage. Alaska, 10-14 November, 1986.

Learson and Ronsivalli, (1969), A new approach for evaluating the quality of fishery products.

Meilgaard, M., Civille, G.V., and Carr, B.T. 1991. Sensory Evaluation Techniques. CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL.

Poste, L., Mackie, D., Butler, G. and. Larmond, E. 1991. Laboratory Methods for Sensory Analysis of Food. Agriculture Canada Research Branch.

Prell and Sawyer, 1988 «Flavor Profiles of 17 Species of North Atlantic Fish» J. Food Science, 53, 1036-1042.

Prell and Sawyer (1988). Consumer evaluation of the Sensory Properties of Fish» J. of Food Science 53, 12-28, 24.

Reilly, T.I. and York, R.K. 1993. Sensory analysis application to harmonize expert assessors of fish products. Proceedings of «Quality Control and Quality Assurance of Seafood», May 16-18, 1993, Newport, Oregon (Eds. Sylvia, G., Shriver, A.L. and Morrisey, M.T.)

Sawyer et al.., (1988) «Consumer evaluation of the sensory properties of fish». J. of Food Science, Vol. 53. No. 1

Sawyer, F.M. et al. 1981. A comparison of flavor and texture characteristics of selected underutilized species of North Atlantic fish and certain treatment of fish. International Institute of Refrigeration. Paris, France. p. 505.

Shewan et al., (1953), The development of a numerical scoring system for the sensory assessment of the spoilage of wet white fish stored in ice. J. Sci. Food Agric., 4 June.

Soldberg, et al. (1986), Sensory profiling of cooked, peeled and individually frozen shrimp». In Seafood Quality Determination, Elsevier Science Publishers.

Vaisey Genser, M. and Moskowitz, H. R. 1977. Sensory Response to Food. Forster Publishing Ltd., Zurich, Switzerland.

Wilhelm, Kurt, 1994, personal correspondence. NOAA/NMFS Research Laboratory, Gloucester, MA.

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