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Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission.

Report of the First Meeting of the WECAFC Ad Hoc Working Group on the Development of Sustainable Moored Fish Aggregating Device Fishing in the Lesser Antilles. Le Robert, Martinique, 8-11 October 2001.

FAO Fisheries Report. No. 683. Rome, FAO. 2002. 23p.

This report provides a summary of the proceedings of the First Meeting of the WECAFC Ad Hoc Working Group on the Development of Moored Fish Aggregating Device Fishing in the Lesser Antilles.

The major topics on the group’s agenda included:

  • synthesizing the knowledge on moored FAD fishing technology in the Lesser Antilles - as a reference point for the future;

  • identifying information needs to achieve sustainable development of moored FAD fishing; and

  • making recommendations for cooperation in research, development, and management of FAD fishing in the Lesser Antilles.

The meeting agreed that:

  • There was a need to standardize the classifications and definitions of fishing vessels and effort, among countries, to facilitate comparisons for statistical purposes.

  • There was an urgent need to rationalize national regulations for mitigating against the harvesting of juvenile of the highly migratory species that associate with moored FAD.

  • Case studies should be done on the various strategies currently used to manage moored FAD fishing in the countries, and presented at the next meeting of the group.

  • Further research on various designs of FAD and construction materials was necessary.

  • The preparation of FAD development plans should be incorporated in National fisheries management plans for large pelagic fish species.

  • Information should be exchanged on all aspects of moored FAD fishing among the members of the group

The meeting agreed on the terms of references of the ad hoc working group.

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