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Opening of the Meeting, Election of the Chairman and Rapporteur, Adoption of Agenda and Arrangements for the Meeting

1. The Second Ad Hoc Meeting on Management of Deepwater Fisheries Resources of the Southern Indian Ocean was held in Fremantle, Western Australia from 22 to 24 May 2002. It was attended by ten national government officers from eight countries, one manager of a commercial fishing company (Australia), one representative from a fishing industry organization and two officers from the Fisheries Department of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Government officers from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation and the Western Australia Department of Fisheries also attended as observers.

2. Richard Tilzey, Bureau of Rural Sciences (BRS), opened the meeting on behalf of Mr Glen Hurry, Head of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Branch, Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry - Australia (AFFA) and welcomed the participants to the Second Ad Hoc Technical Meeting. It was noted that the meeting was being hosted by the AFFA and was to complement the results of the first meeting held in Swakopmund, Namibia in May 2001.

3. The list of those attending the meeting is given in Appendix II. The documents that were addressed by the Meeting, revisions and subsequent papers that have become available are included in Appendix III.

4. Richard Tilzey, BRS, was elected meeting chairman and the Meeting adopted the agenda as given in Appendix I.

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