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El-Hajj, K., Saade M. & Meda, L. 1990. Economic analysis for fertilizer allocation strategies in Syria: fertilizers requirement and allocation strategies of main crops in Syria, ICARDA, Aleppo, Syrian Arab Republic. (in Arabic).

ICARDA. 1989. Medium-Term Plan 1989 - 1994, Aleppo, Syrian Arab Republic.

Mazid, A. & Hallajian, M. 1983. Crop-livestock interaction: information from barley survey, ICARDA, Aleppo, Syrian Arab Republic.

Mazid, A. & Bailey E. 1992. Incorporating risk in economic analysis of agronomic trials: fertilizer use on barley in Syria, Agricultural Economics, 7: 167-184. Elselvier Science Publishers BV, Amsterdam.

Mazid, A. 1994. Factors influencing adoption of new agricultural technology in dry areas of Syria, University of Nottingham, UK. (Ph.D. thesis).

Pala, M., Matar A. & Mazid A. 1996. Assessment of the effects of environment factors on the response of wheat to fertilizer in on-farm trials in Mediterranean type environments. Experimental Agriculture, 32(2): 339 - 349.

Somel, K., Mazid A. & Hallajian M. 1984. Survey of barley producers in northern Syria. Vol. III, Descriptive Statistics, ICARDA, Aleppo, Syrian Arab Republic.

Saade, M. 1991. An economic analysis of fertilizer allocation and import policies in Syria, Michigan State University, USA. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation).

Syrian Ministry of Agricultural & Agrarian Reform. 1999. The Annual Agricultural Statistical Abstract. Damascus. Syrian Arab Republic.

Whitaker, M. 1990. Nitrogen fertilizer strategies for rainfed wheat in northern Syria, Food Research Institute. Stanford University, USA. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation).

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