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European Commission, 1998, Natural forest management and conservation project, Progress Report, European Commission, Brussels.

Government of Uganda, 1961, The Forests Act, Captor 246, Government of Uganda, Kampala.

Government of Uganda, 2000, The forest produce fees and licences order 2000, Statutory Instruments 2000 No 16, Government of Uganda, Kampala.

National Environmental Management Authority, 1988, National State of the Environment Report, National Environmental Management Authority,  Kampala.

Uganda Forest Department, 1992, National biomass study phase I: November 1989 - December 1991, Technical Report, Ministry of Natural Resources, Uganda Forest Department, Kampala.

Uganda Forest Department, 1996, Nyabyeya Forestry College and combined forestry training project, Project document, Uganda Forest Department, Kampala.

Uganda Forest Department, 1999, Draft Uganda Forestry Policy (unpublished), Uganda Forest Department, Kampala.

Uganda Forest Department, 2000, The future of the national biomass study: analysis of opportunities and future organisation (unpublished), Uganda Forest Department, Kampala.

United Nations Sudano-Sahelian Office, 1999, Tree seed project, project document, United Nations, New York, USA.

World Bank, 2000, Lake Victoria environmental management project, World Bank Supervision Mission Aide Memoir, World Bank, Washington DC, USA.

World Bank, 1996, Lake Victoria environmental management project, Staff Appraisal Report, World Bank, Washington DC, USA.

World Bank, undated, The World Bank forestry rehabilitation project contract restructuring (unpublished), World Bank, Washington DC, USA.

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