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FAO encourages States, with the support of FAO and relevant international financial institutions and mechanisms, to cooperate in supporting training and capacity building and consider providing financial, technical and other assistance to developing countries, including in particular the least developed among them and small island developing States, so that they can more fully meet their commitments under the IPOA-IUU and obligations under international law. Such assistance should be directed in particular to help such States in the development and implementation of national plans of action.

FAO also encourages States, with the support of FAO and relevant international financial institutions and mechanisms, where appropriate, to cooperate to enable: review and revision of national legislation and regional regulatory frameworks; the improvement and harmonization of fisheries and related data collection; the strengthening of regional institutions; and the strengthening and enhancement of integrated MCS systems, including satellite monitoring systems.

This part of the IPOA-IUU, which relates to participation in efforts to assist developing States implement the IPOA-IUU, is not relevant for the PIC's NPOA-IUU because it calls upon donors to assist developing States in their efforts to address IUU fishing. However, the PIC supports the establishment of a voluntary trust fund and values the assistance provided to date, including that provided by FAO, to support the implementation of the IPOA-IUU.

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