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The following suggested actions would further enhance and strengthen the ability of the PIC to combat IUU fishing and to some extent represents a check list for follow-up action:

International instruments

National legislation

Vessels without nationality

Any information received on vessels without nationality operating in the Pacific Islands region, will be passed on to neighbouring States and relevant RFMOs as appropriate, as well as the International MCS Network for further dissemination.

Economic incentives

Economic support will be withheld from companies, vessels and persons that are involved in IUU fishing. In particular, access to any fuel subsidy, will be denied to any fishing vessel involved in IUU fishing.

Monitoring, control and surveillance

To more effectively fulfil its MCS functions, the Ministry of Fisheries will need to direct resources to enhance its legal, VMS, port sampling, observer and inspection capacity. The Ministry has identified these needs and is currently in the process of training additional observers. The use of PDS personnel should be utilized for routine at port inspection purposes.

Cooperation between States

In cooperation with neighbouring SIDS, develop subregional joint and reciprocal surveillance and enforcement arrangements to ensure the most efficient use of MCS assets and to more effectively police border areas in particular.


The Ministry of Fisheries should post on its website, full details of IUU fishing and actions taken to eliminate it, as an additional way to publicize this information.

Record of fishing vessels

As a party to the WCPF Convention, PIC is required to maintain a record of vessels entitled to fly its flag and authorized to fish in the Convention area beyond its area of national jurisdiction. The following information relating to such vessels, is required to be submitted to the WCPF Commission on an annual basis with any modifications requiring prompt notification:

The FFA Regional Register already contains details of some PIC flag vessels and could be used as the basis for a regional standard format which could be electronically transmitted to the WCPF Commission and/or FAO as required.

Regular updates of the High Seas Fishing Vessel Register containing fishing vessel data should be submitted to FAO on a monthly basis.

Authorized ports and inspection

As the WCPF Commission begins its work and possibly adopts catch certification schemes, a future priority will be to develop inspection capacity and train inspectors about the relevant documentation and procedures. FFA should be approached to develop a regional at port inspection programme so that officers can be trained to a regional standard and certified as such.

Catch documentation schemes

Measures will be taken to implement further catch documentation and certification schemes for PIC vessels that may be adopted by FFA and the WCPF Commission and any other relevant RFMO to which PIC may become a member.

Transparency of markets

Technical assistance will be requested to develop measures to improve the transparency of markets to allow the traceability of fish and fish products.

Internationally agreed market-related measures

PIC will cooperate with all RFMOs to which it belongs to prevent, deter and eliminate the activities of non-cooperating States which engage in IUU fishing. This will include implementing trade and other sanctions that may be recommended by the WCPF Commission.

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