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Barrow, E.G.C. 1991. Evaluating the effectiveness of participatory agroforestry extension programmes in pastoral system, based on existing traditional values: A case study of the Turkana in Kenya. Agroforestry Systems. 14: 1, 1-21

Blomley, T. 1994. Indigenous agroforestry: Melia volkensii in Kenya. Agroforestry today.6:4, 10-11

Chikamai, B.N., Hall, J.B. and Banks, W.B. 1995. Survey of Acacia senegal resources for gum arabic in northern Kenya. Commonwealth - Forestry Review 74: 3, 246-252

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ICRAF 1997. Tree Seed Suppliers Directory: Sources of seed and microsymbionts. International Centre for Research in Agroforestry: Nairobi, Kenya. 411 pp

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Kigomo, B.N. 1991. Forest ecosystems, rare germplasm, cultural sites and conservation efforts under development. Report No.4 ECE Group, KFMP, Forest Department, Nairobi

Ladipo, D.O. 1989. Balanites aegyptiaca: a native tree with potential for agroforestry and arid zone afforestation in Nigeria. International Foundation for Science (IFS). Seminar, ICRAF Feb. 20-25 1989. IFS, Seminar, ICRAF

MENR. 1994. Kenya Forestry Master Plan. Development programmes. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources: Nairobi, Kenya. 422 pp

Milimo, P.B. and Hellum, A.K. 1989. The structure and development of Melia volkensii seed. East Afri. Agr. And for. J. 55: 1-2, 27-35

Milimo P.B., Hellum, A.K., Turnbull, J.W. 1990. The influence of temperature on germination of Melia volkensii seeds. ACDAR Proc. Series. No.28, 29-32

Milimo, P.B. 1989. Preliminary studies on vegetation propagation of Melia volkensii by cuttings. Proc. of IFS meeting. February 20-25 1989, 298-301. International Foundation for Science (IFS); Stockholm, Sweden

Mugendo, J.Z.A. and Waterman, P.G. 1992. Sources of tannin: alternatives to wattle (Acacia mearnsii) among indigenous Kenya species. Economic Botany 46:1, 55-63

Phanuel, P.O and Olng’otie, P.A.S. 1994. Populations of A. tortilis study on chromosome number. Kew Bullentin. 49: 1, 107-113.

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Robertson, S.A. & Luke W.R.G. 1995. The Coast Forest Survey of the National Museums of Kenya and the World Wide Fund for Nature. NMK/WWF Nairobi, Kenya.

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Stewart, M. And Blomley, T. 1994. Use of Melia volkensii in a semi-arid agroforestry system in Kenya. Commonwealth Forestry Review. 73: 2, 128-131

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