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Kenya has joined hands with a number of countries and institutions in the development of forestry, environment, natural resources and agriculture, which are important sectors relevant to the conservation and management of forest genetic resources. Table 13 summarises the most important regional and international co-operation relevant to the pursuit of forest genetic resources and environmental development.

Table 13: Co-operation in FGR Related Development

Nature of the cooperation

Partner Institution or country

Nature of Cooperation

East Africa Community (EAC)

Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania. (Rwanda and Burundi proposed to be members when situations improve)

The regional cooperation, based in Arusha, Tanzania, has an agenda on forest sector and issues of biodiversity, management, trade, MTAs in forestry will be addressed.

Intergovernmental Authority on drought and Development (IGADD)

Kenya, Somalia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan and Uganda

Forest sector development is an important agenda within the “Development of environmental protection and agricultural research”.

Association of Forestry Research of East Africa (AFREA)

Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi

Co-operation in research in forestry focusing on priority areas and sharing of information for development in the region.

Global Forest Information System (GFIS)

Global. In Africa nodes at Kenya, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Senegal, Madagascar (Proposed)

Global sharing and exchange of information in forestry and institutional strengthening in formation technology for forestry development.

Sub-Saharan Programme on Forest Genetic Resources (SAFORGEN)

IPGRI, FAO, DANIDA, ICRAF, Regional member countries

Research and development in forest genetic resources. Capacity building in FGR

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