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5.1 Research and Training in FGR

5.1 Research and Training in FGR

As indicated in Table 12, a number of organisations are involved in research and training on forest genetic resources. Topics on forest genetic resources are taught both at the college and university depending on the levels of training.

Nairobi, Mombasa and Eldoret polytechnics train technicians at diploma and advanced diploma level. Londiani College teaches forestry to certificate and diploma level while polytechnics produce a small number of technicians with applied biology.

Moi University has a faculty of Forestry, wildlife and wood science. Nairobi, Egerton, Kenyatta, Maseno and Jomo Kenyatta Universities have departments of botany or natural sciences that offer training relevant to biological diversity and plant genetics. The capacities produced are different in the various universities and with the recent crash programme on parallel degrees by almost all the above national universities, the statistics on capacities produced has not been easy to record or confirm with certain. Kenya institutions of higher learning have, however, made great contribution to the human capacities in forestry and biological sciences in the eastern and southern Africa region, especially Lesotho, Swaziland, South Africa, Botswana and Namibia.

Table 12: Organisations involved in Development and issues of forest genetic resources


Role in FGR Development

Forest Department (FD)

Manage indigenous, plantation forests, nature reserves and control their use

Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS)

Manage national parks, game reserves, sanctuaries and marine parks in the country

County Councils

Manages over 350,000 ha of mainly woodlands under the trust land

Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI)

Carry out research and advisory services in the areas of natural forests, forest plantations, farmlands and dry lands. Also disseminates information on tree and forestry development.

National Museums of Kenya (NMK)

Manages the network of national herbarium, collect plants materials and manage national monuments.

National environment Management Authority (NEMA)

Regulate environmental management law and ensure compliance according to regulations, rules and environment impact assessment for development initiatives.

Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services (KEPHIS)

Regulates import and export of plant products through ensuring health controls

African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS)

Undertake studies on biodiversity policy, MTAs, and trade in biotechnology materials and related issues.

Local Universities

Research in natural resources and plant sciences. Training in plant biodiversity, genetics and plant breeding.


Research in Agroforestry and conservation of on-farm germplasm and fodder for agricultural and livestock development in collaboration with national institutions and NGOs.

NGOs and Community Based Organizations (CBOs)

Several involved in lobbying for conservation and sustainable management of forests. CBOs are involved in the implementation of mostly conservation projects in collaboration with local communities.

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