Country Report - Malawi







Table of Contents

Forestry Outlook Studies in Africa



Million Bekele

June 2001

Table of Contents


1.0 Introduction

2.0 Social economic background of the study

3.0 Forest resources
3.1 Forest extent

4.0 Demands made upon forests
4.1 Forest services

4.2 Non-wood forest products (NWFP)
5.0 Woodfuels and energy
5.1 woodfuel supply and demand

6.0 Industrial wood
6.1 Formal Primary Processing

6.2 Informal Pitsawying

7.0 Forest Trade

8.0 People and forests
8.1 Forests and urban people

9.0 Policies and Institutions
9.1 Industrial Plantation management

9.2 Community management of forest and tree resources

10.0 Major driving forces and challenges for the future

11.0 The outlook of forestry

11.1 Outlook for the demands placed on forests

11.2 Outlook for forest resources and land use

12. Implications of the forest outlook and choices

12.1 Implications of choices for the regional co-operation

13.0 Conclusion