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10.0 Major driving forces and challenges for the future

The forestry sector will be shaped by a number of factors and developments in the coming years. Some of the key factors will include economic growth, population growth, land use change especially deforestation, changes in social dimensions and the evolution of policies within and outside forestry sector.

The coming years will also see increasing concern over degradation of the environment resulting from pollution, climate change and water degradation.

Critical to the future of forests is the rate of growth of agriculture sector together with settlements that are associated with it. With increasing population, low level of technology and a subsistence rural economy, forests will more likely be cleared to increase crop production.

The energy sector is closely related to forestry sector. Woodfuels provide 94 % of energy in the country and there are no viable alternatives in site. The increasing demand for woodfuel will affect the forestry sector.

It is important to recognise the potential role that technology could play and affect the forestry sector. Technological changes could improve wood processing efficiency and reduce waste, other forms of energy could became available thereby reduce pressure on wood fuels or new products could replace wood products.

The forestry sector will experience increasing influence from national, regional and international policies that are guiding forest development worldwide. Increasing globalisation, concern for climate change and interest in preserving biodiversity are the global themes that will play an important role in shaping forestry sector in Malawi.

By far, the two key determinants of the future of forestry appear to be the developments that will take place in agriculture and energy sector.



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