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3.1 Workshop evaluation
3.2 Items for action

3.1 Workshop evaluation

Overall the Workshop can be regarded as very successful. Participants generally found the workshop to have been a useful exercise, and expressed support for the Partnership Programme, which was viewed as very relevant to activities being carried out in the region. The expected outcomes of the workshop were achieved.

3.2 Items for action

The immediate need is to re-engage all workshop participants in dialogue, to maintain and build on interest developed during the workshop. The completed workshop data exercises have been returned and focal points have been requested to validate input and to provide additional information. Data exercise sheets were also sent to the countries unable to send a representative to the workshop - Pakistan, Philippines and Sri Lanka - and focal points in these countries have been requested to complete the exercises.

Programme staff have commenced work on information gap analysis, based on the completed questionnaires and national reports. Finalization of this analysis should indicate areas where the Partnership Programme can assist in strengthening information.

Two firm proposals for pilot studies were put forward at the meeting, by Malaysia (FRIM) and India. These will be followed up, and pilot study proposals will be prepared. Other areas where interest in pilot studies was expressed will also be pursued. It is anticipated that this will involve travel to countries by FAO staff coordinating the Programme.

Additional efforts may be needed to engage the countries that did not attend the workshop. It is planned that Programme staff will travel to those countries soon to brief key institutions and individuals on the Programme and to elicit pilot study proposals.

Establishment of formal networking mechanisms will be an early priority. This will include establishment of a listserver and a Programme website, as well as securing e-mail access for focal points currently without the facility.

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