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9. Harvesting Equipment Maintenance, Servicing

9.1 Moving Equipment
9.2 Workshop Facilities
9.3 Toxic Waste
9.4 Main Fuel and Oil Storage
9.5 Field Servicing and Maintenance
9.6 Refuse Disposal


To ensure machinery is in sound and safe working condition.

To prevent pollution of water resources.

To avoid introducing non-endemic species and pathogens to new areas.

To maintain a clean and tidy harvesting operation.

9.1 Moving Equipment

All equipment should be washed thoroughly before it is moved to a new operation area to prevent the spread of weeds, pests and disease.

Care must be taken to avoid spillage of fuel or oil during transportation.

9.2 Workshop Facilities

Locate facilities at least 50 m from any water body or watercourse.

Drainage from workshop areas should be diverted into collecting/settling ponds.

Non-toxic solid waste should be removed or buried and covered with at least 0.5 m of soil.

9.3 Toxic Waste

The use of toxic substances is to be minimised and wherever possible biodegradable substitutes used.

Toxic materials include spent hydraulic and refrigeration fluid, oil, fuel (petrol, diesel), workshop wastes, oily water separator sludge and residues, industrial cleaners, paints and resins, preservatives (including timber treatment chemicals), distillates, lubricants, insecticides, and biocides.

Toxic materials are to be collected in containers securely sealed and preferably returned to municipal/township disposal areas, returned to the manufacturer or buried in an appropriate waste pit.

Where onsite burial of toxic materials and their containers is the only alternative, the location of the pit should be clearly indicated (including signs in all the local languages), and the pit securely fenced.

All waste pits are to be covered with at least 0.5 m of soil and located at least 100 m from maximum inundation by water and at least 1 m above maximum groundwater height.

9.4 Main Fuel and Oil Storage

Locate main fuel and oil storage:

- in a well drained area at least 50 m from any watercourse; and
- no closer than 100 m to village areas.
Bunds (preferably concrete mounds) with a capacity of twice (× 2) the storage capacity must be provided around the storage.

Drains are to be directed to a closed, stable and flood free disposal pit, at least 50 m from a watercourse or water body.

Where main fuel storage facilities must be located on a wharf, they should be:

- located as far away from the sea as the fuel pumping lines permit;

- surrounded by a leak-proof bund, which in the event of a spill can contain all fuel so that it can later be pumped to a disposal pit at least 50 m from a water body.

9.5 Field Servicing and Maintenance

Field fuel tanks, refuelling points and maintenance areas are to be located:

- in well-drained areas, such as landings or road junctions;
- outside areas excluded from harvesting;
- more than 50 m from a watercourse.
Care must be taken to prevent spillage during refuelling.

Sump oil should not be dumped in the harvesting areas. It should be collected and removed to the main disposal facility.

9.6 Refuse Disposal

All solid waste should be placed in a refuse pit and buried as soon as harvesting in the coupe is completed.

Figure 9-1: Removal of all Refuse from Harvesting Areas

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