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Satul, Thailand
1–21 August 1988

1. Seabass is a marine fish with a high market demand in the ASEAN region. It is a first class marine fish species which lends itself to farming in floating cages.

2. Cage culture of seabass or giant sea perch has become very popular during the last decade in the ASEAN region. The basic technique of culture has been developed with varying degrees of sophistication in different countries which proved economically viable, despite some imperfections.

3. Thailand is considered the most successful in the culture and breeding for two reasons: there is available supply of trash fish for food of seabass; the government has made considerable progress in research and in the refinement of hatchery production of seedlings, the technology of which had been transferred to the farm level.

4. The practical and technical advances attained by Thailand in the culture and breeding of the species are recognized by the ASEAN member countries.

5. As part of the Work Plan of the ASEAN/ UNDP/FAO Regional Small-Scale Coastal Fisheries Development Project (RAS/84/ 016), and the Regional Seafarming Development and Demonstration Project (RAS/ 86/024), a training course was jointly organized from 1–21 August 1988. The Satul Fisheries Station of the Department of Fisheries of the Government of Thailand hosted the Training Course.

6. The main objective of the Training Course was to provide hands-on practical experience and knowledge on seabass culture and breeding to extension workers and farmers and transfer of technology.

7. There were 17 trainees who participated in the Training Course representing six countries, 10 participants of whom were small-scale fish farmers. The list of participants and their sponsors is shown in Appendix 1.

8. The training programme consisted of lectures and practical work as shown in Appendix 2.

9. The Training Course was graced by the presence of the Governor of Satul Province who gave the welcome address (Appendix 3) in the opening ceremony. The Chief of the Satul Brackishwater Fisheries Station gave a brief statement (Appendix 4) on the contents of the training programme. An opening statement (Appendix 5) was given by the Director of the Brackishwater Fisheries Division of the Department of Fisheries. A brief statement was also delivered (Appendix 6) by the Project Coordinator, RAS/84/016.

10. The closing ceremony was attended by the Director-General of the Department of Fisheries, Mr. Vanich Varikul. He awarded the certificates of training to the participants.

11. The lectures given during the Training Course is embodied in Part II of this Report which was also circulated as a Training Manual 88/3 prepared for the course.

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