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The country has some 1.42 million ha. of brackishwater area, of which about 9 lakh2 have been known to be fit for brackishwater aquaculture development.

2 1 lakh = one hundred thousand

For many years India has been doing large traditional brackishwater farming although modern aquaculture practices are of recent origin. There have been developed by national and state research institutes experimental and demonstration farms in the country and the demonstration of improved techniques in these fishfarms together with short-term training courses for farmers have led much interest to prawn farming.

Very encouraging results have been reported in demonstration of improved techniques as were observed in the farms in Santhome, Madras; in Polekkuru in the ponds of the Bay of Bengal Project, BOBP; in the research institutes of ICAR, particularly of CIFRI and CMFRI, as also CIFE which are involved in developing technologies for coastal aquaculture.

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