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Markets for beche-de-mer are concentrated in Asia. Hongkong and Singapore are the main centers for the distribution of the beche-de-mer. From import and export statistics, it became apparent that both centers procure service from different zones. Singapore spread its spear of influence primarily in the west, while Hong Kong has its major links in countries in the south and its neighboring countries.

The two centers are not only limited to the physical movement of the product, but also performed certain functions to upgrade and add value to the product. These include grading, cleaning, drying and packing.

7.1 Hong Kong

In 1985 Hong Kong imported dried sea cucumber around 6209 mt (Table 5) and re-exported 5 008mt (Table 6) leaving about 1 200mt for domestic consumption. It is interested to note that those countries supplying products with a high average value experienced a severe drop in demand, particulary Japan dropped from fifth place in 1981 with 25.9mt to 11th place in 1984 and down further to 13th place in 1985. The Philippines and Indonesia still be a lead in supplying some 80 per cent of the total imports over the years. The low average price and readily available volume are partly explaining their popularity. Products from these countries are re-exported after re-processing.

7.2 Singapore

The annual domestic consumption is in the region of 80–100mt. In 1984, Singapore imported about 590mt (Table 7) and re-export 779mt (Table 8). It is obvious that the re-export volume of beche-de-mer exceeded the import. This cannot be explained solely by carry-over stocks. The export statistics are fairly accurate considering identical figures found in the Hong Kong import and the Singaporean export statistics.

The Singaporean import statistics of the beche-de-mer are rather sparse because of the way the Singaporean Customs Department classified the product. The beche-de-mer does not carry any import duty in the Republic and as such does not have to be specified in shipment papers. Consequently, it is often imported under the category of dried seafoods..

The Philippines has been the largest supplier to Singapore market. Other major suppliers are India, Sri Lanka and Malaysia. New Caledonia is a new exporter which moved to second place behind the Philippines. It is obvious that Indonesia which proximity to Singapore with frequent transport links, both surface and air transport, does not appear in the supplier list to Singapore market.

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