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Din, Azkaria Ez El, 1986 Beche-de-mer processing trials along the Egyptian red sea coast. RAB/81/001, 286–290pp.

Directorate General of Fisheries, 1987a Fisheries statistics of Indonesia, 1985. Department of Agriculture Jakarta, No. 15.

Directorate General of Fisheries, 1987b Internation trade statistics of fisheries commodites. Department of Agriculture Jakarta, No. 15.

Koningsberger, J.C., 1904 Tripang en Tripangvisscherij in Nederlandsch-Indie. Batavia G. Kolff & Co, 72pp.

Van Eys, Sjef, 1986 The International market for sea cucumber. INFOFISH Marketing Digest No.5 41–44 pp.

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