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1.1 Terms of Reference

The mission was appointed with the following terms of reference:

1.2 Programme of the mission

October 29thDeparture from Padova
November 1stArrival to the project site in Kale, Antalya
January 26thDeparture from Kale and arrival to Bodrum
January 27thDeparture from Bodrum and arrival to Kos (Greece); departure from Kos and return to Bodrum
January 28thDeparture from Bodrum and arrival to Kale
February 19thDeparture from Kale, arrival to Ankara
February 23rdDeparture from Ankara, arrival to Kale
February 26thDeparture from Kale, arrival to Izmir
March 1stDeparture from Izmir
March 4thArrival to Padova

As experienced during the previous mission (September 1993 – April 1994), the trip to Kos (Greece) was the fastest (and cheapest) way to have both visa and custom permit for the car extended to cover the whole length of the mission. It was not possible to get visa from the Turkish Embassy in Rome before leaving due to the short notice with which the mission was appointed. The trip to Ankara was to attend the meetings with FAO and UNDP officials to debief and with officials of the Ministry of Agriculture to comment on the main finding and recommendations of the mission.

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