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For the second following year the hatchery was successfully productive. Its production capacity, well beyond the planned one, its reliability and the skillness of the local staff have been definitely confirmed.

It is always a risky task to give output forecasts in the middle of the production season because an unforeseenable technical failure or a disease outbreak can easily jeopardize any final result. Nevertheless, in absence of major drawbacks, a total output of at least 400.000 sebream (Sparus aurata) fingerlings as well as more than 1.000.000 seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) frys can be reasonably estimated for the present production season. The figure of seabream double last year production. Fish are presently still too youngs to be safely counted.

All the technical systems of the hatchery were thoroughly tested during this second start-up confirming the absence of particular problems or new constrains.

The local staff were deeply involved in the project and with some exceptions met well the increased charge of work due to this peculiar production activity. Since the training was performed under full mass production conditions, the trainees made up a good technical experience to run the hatchery in all its different sections. The consultant believes that the local staff is fully experienced to run the hatchery without technical supervision provided by a foreign expert.

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