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About 60% of the prioritarian recommendations presented in the last report by the consultant (May 1994) have been realized. Most of the other ones remain unanswered.

Recommendations are listed in Annex 24 together with a short background and the proposed follow-up.

The most important recommendation is to speed up as much as possible the completion of the new weaning unit to be built outside the hatchery along its NE side (Recommendation A.1). The existing weaning unit is at present already stocked at 67% of its capacity with seabream and seabass larvae. The fry hosted in the larval unit will require very soon to be transferred to the weaning tanks. Those left available in the hatchery are totally unsufficient.

The second most important issue (the main seawater supply: Recommendation 2) will be realized in the coming months, since its tender was call last December. The recommendation concerns some new aspects enlightened by recent strong storms which damaged the existing riprap breakwaters.

The list has been illustrated to the Turkish counterpart and to both FAO and UN local officers in a meeting held in Ankara on 21 February 1995. Partecipants to the meetings are listed in Annex 23.

The other two main items to be provided are a new large and healthy broodstock of both species and the requested consummables.

The existing staff is believed to have the technical skillness to run the hatchery without supervision. Some missions to attend short-term specialized courses abroad focusing over the most recent developments on fish reproduction are highly recommended to keep the hatchery responsibles technically updated.

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