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The Seminar on Aquaculture Extension in Zambia was organised by the Department of Fisheries (DoF), Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries and ALCOM, the Aquaculture for Local Community Development Programme. It was sponsored by ALCOM under FAO project TCP/RAF/2380 “Institutions for Aquaculture Extension”, which sponsored 17 participants, while NORAD, JICA, AFRICARE, IFAD and the Department of Agriculture (DoA) sponsored in total 14 participants.

The Seminar was held at the Pan African Institute for Development in Kabwe from 2–6 October 1995. It was attended by a total of 33 participants from the various provinces in Zambia. The list of participants was given in Appendix 1.

The objective of the seminar was to review experiences with the various extension methods used in Zambia to promote fish farming, to assess the effectiveness of the different approaches, and to prepare recommendations to improve the extension service.

Presentations were given on the status of aquaculture in Zambia and the extension approaches used in the different provinces. These presentations highlighted the organisation of the extension service, the target group selection, the extension messages used and the mechanisms to deliver these messages to the target group. The set up of the Agriculture Extension Service was presented and the effectiveness of the aquaculture extension approach used in Eastern Province. In working group sessions systematic planning and organisation of an extension service was discussed. During the plenary session the seminar prepared conclusions and recommendations to improve the extension service of the Department. The programme was given in Appendix 2.

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