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The seminar was officially opened by the Acting Deputy Permanent Secretary for Central Province, Mr. G.A. Mudolo.

In his introductory speech Mr. H.G. Mudenda, Director of the Department of Fisheries, introduced the participants and explained the objectives and the importance of the seminar. He urged the seminar to come up with clear recommendations which he ensured the participants would be followed up.

In his opening speech the Acting Deputy Permanent Secretary welcomed the participants and the organisation of the seminar. He stressed the importance of fish in the diet of the Zambian population, where 40% of the human consumption of animal protein was in the form of fish. The majority of this fish come from the fishing industry but aquaculture production was increasing and Zambia was one of the leading countries in the region in fish farming. However, he stressed the importance that the institutional services of the Department be appropriately equipped to address progressively the expanding role that fish farming must fulfil.

Mr. Mudolo emphasised the appropriate timing of the seminar, as it coincided with the ongoing restructuring programme in the Ministry of Agriculture Food and Fisheries under the Agriculture Sector Investment Programme (ASIP). This programme aim at stream lining operations of the ministry and promoted efficiency.

The Acting Deputy Permanent Secretary was pleased with the role ALCOM played in promoting the collaboration between the Department of Fisheries and existing rural development programmes. He recommended further joint programmes with development programmes.

The problems perceived by the Zambian Government that slow down the development of fish farming were mentioned. The Deputy Permanent Secretary urged the seminar to examine these constraints critically and come up with precise recommendation which would improve the performance of fish farming extension.

With these remarks the seminar was declared officially opened.

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