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At the end of the seminar a list of conclusions and recommendations aimed at improving the efficiency and serviceability of aquaculture extension service was prepared for the DoF and discussed by all the participants. The seminar yielded a total of 12 conclusions and recommendations. Most of these were approved directly by the participants but the first recommendation had to be reformulated. The original text recommended that the collaboration between the DoA and the Dof should be formalized due to the positive results in the field. However some participants feared that the DoA would completely absorb the DoF and that the DoF would loose its independence and identity. The field staff was less sceptical about this fear than the staff at the DoF headquarters. They argued that at the moment the best way to perform their duties was through collaboration with the DoA, but this collaboration was always ad hoc and depended on personal initiatives and interest. A formalisation between the department would make this collaboration easier and much more effective. After the discussion all participants of the seminar approved the following conclusions and recommendations.

  1. Fish farming was expanding in Zambia. In order to ensure that adequate services can be provided to the fish farmers aquaculture extension should be strengthened, collaboration with the DoA should continue, and way of formalizing this collaboration should be identified by the DoF.
    Action to be taken by the Head Office of DoF.

  2. Due to the increasing number of fish farmers and their scattered distribution the Department was unable to provide fingerlings to all fish farmers. In several provinces attempts were made to promote private fingerling production. These attempts should be encouraged and extension material should be made available to facilitate this process.
    Action to be taken by the Provincial Fisheries Supervisors and FA's.

  3. The training for fisheries personnel should be more adapted to the present needs of aquaculture extension in the field. There should be more communication with the field staff to identify precisely what the present requirements were for fisheries staff to function well in the aquaculture extension service. Extension skills, extension planning, socio-economic aspects of extension as well as appropriate culture techniques should become part of the syllabus.
    Action to be taken by the Training Branch of DoF.

  4. Extension materials have been developed by various provinces and programmes. These materials were not always available at district level throughout the country. It was recommended that the materials be reproduced and made available to all the districts and to the training institutes.
    Action to be taken by the Training Branch of DoF.

  5. It was pointed out that for farmers with little available inputs like manure, Tilapia rendalli may be a more suitable species than Oreochromis andersonii and that polyculture promises in may cases to give higher yields. It was recommended that the polyculture of tilapia species be reviewed with special emphasis on the extensive culture conditions of the small scale farmer. Action to be taken by the Research Branch in collaboration with Extension.

  6. During the seminar the systematic planning of an aquaculture extension programme was undertaken as an exercise. It was recommended that all provinces should prepare annual extension programmes clearly describing the present situation of the service and of the farmers, the goals, the target group, the extension messages and methods to be used and the needed and available resources. A detailed timetable should be attached to this programme. The plan should be send to Chilanga for review and approval.
    Action to be taken by all provincial staff.

  7. It was felt that the motivation of the staff could be improved by a more open management of the Department. It was therefore recommended that at all levels a transparent organisation should be introduced. This to ensure that all staff involved were aware of the activities to be carried out by every one, the resources available and the allocation of resources to the various activities.
    Action to be taken by all DoF supervisory staff.

  8. The participants felt that the unavailability of economic data on aquaculture in Zambia hampered the uptake of the activity. It was recommended that a serious attempt should be made to obtain this information for the different culture systems.
    Action to be taken by DoF Research Branch and Economist.

  9. A database with basic information on fish farmers in the country was important for the planning of activities and allocation of resources. It was recommended that a database on Provincial and on National level be launched.
    Action to be taken by the DoF Statistician.

  10. It was recommended that activities of provinces and of projects be better coordinated in order to ensure that they supplement each other, so that duplication will be kept to a minimum.
    Action to be taken by Head Office.

  11. Seeing the great demand and interest and its important role in the dissemination of information on aquaculture in Zambia it was recommended that the quarterly newsletter “Zambia Fish Farmer” be revived. The Provinces should ensure that articles of interest were compiled and sent to the Training Officer.
    Action to be taken by the Training Officer.

  12. Experiences have shown that the involvement of the farmer in analyzing his/her situation, wishes, needs, and resources in defining the possibilities for farming fish was crucial for the adoption of aquaculture. It was therefore recommended that DoF will use this approach in aquaculture extension, and that staff receive training on how to use it.
    Action to be taken by the Training Branch.

Mr. Maguswi closed the seminar with the remarks that it had been a stimulating meeting, and was pleased with the results achieved. He mentioned that for the first time staff of various levels in the Department attended a National meeting. This had given the meeting a broader base and produced positive results. He promised that this multi-level participation would continue in future meetings.

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