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Department of Fisheries 
Mr. Beaston BandaFisheries AssistantP.O. Box 80518 Kabwe
Mr. Kenneth Peter BandaAquaculturistP.O. Box 350 100 Chilanga
Mr. Cleopher BweupeAqua. Research OfficerP.O. Box 410 313 Kasama
Ms. Sylvia ChifundaFisheries AssistantP.O. Box 850055 Serenje
Mr. M.M. ChilalaSenior Aqua. Res. Off.P.O. Box 162062 Mwinilunga
Mr. M.M. ChilalaAfricare Project ManagerP.O. Box 110 118 Solwezi
Mr. F.S. KafumbeProv. Fish. Dev. OfficerP.O. Box 710 005 Mansa
Mr. Mizhi KakomaFisheries AssistantP.O. Box 110 118 Solwezi
Mr. Victor KawagaFisheries AssistantP.O. Box 510738 Chipata
Mr. Charles MaguswiAssistant DirectorP.O. Box 350 100 Chilanga
Mr. J.C.K. MalutiFish. Dev. OfficerP.O. Box 350 100 Chilanga
Mr. H.G. MudendaDirector Fisheries Dept.P.O. Box 350 100 Chilanga
Mr. Charity MusukwaFisheries AssistantP.O. Box 510738 Chipata
Mr. Joseph MutaleProvincial Fish CulturistP.O. Box 510738 Chipata
Mr. Teddy NakuwezaFisheries AssistantP.O. Box 25 Chalata
Mr. G.Z. SinkalaProv. Fish. Dev. OfficerP.O. Box 110 118 Solwezi
Mr. Cyprian TemboAquaculturistP.O. Box 22797 Kitwe
Ms. Diana ZuluFisheries AssistantP.O. Box 22797 Kitwe
Mr. Timothy ZuluFish. Training OfficerP.O. Box 350 100 Chilanga
Department of Agriculture
Mr. J.V. ChintuProv. Agricul. OfficerP.O. Box 80 434 Kabwe
Mr. Geolick NkhataSenior Agric. Assist.P.O. Box 510 407 Chipata
Mr. Joseph NyirongoAgricul. Assist.P.O. Box 530 016 Lundazi
Mr. E.C. ShingaliliExtension MethodologistP.O. Box 80 434 Kabwe
Mr. S.L. TemboAss. Prov. Agr. OfficerP.O. Box 80 434 Kabwe
Other organisations
Ms. Sayoko NakamaeExtension Specialist JICAP.O. Box 22797 Kitwe
Mr. K. SomaProject Manager JICAP.O. Box 22797 Kitwe
Mr. Andreas WoynarowichProject Manager NORADP.O. Box 410 313 Kasama
Mr. Robbert HouthuijzenAquacul.(APO) ALCOMP.O. Box 30 563 Lusaka
Mr. Dilip KumarConsultant FAOFIPP, FAO Rome
Mr. Henk van der MheenAquaculturist ALCOMP.O. Box 3730 Harare
Ms. Gertrude NgendaConsultant Socio-econ.P/Bag CH 13 Lusaka
Mr. Francois NoelSocio-economist ALCOMP.O. Box 3730 Harare
Ms. Margaret ZunguzeInform. Officer ALCOMP.O. Box 3730 Harare


Monday 2 Oct. 1995Opening 
General overview of aquaculture development in Zambia
Session 1Aquaculture extension in the Provinces of Zambia.
 Northern Province
 Copperbelt Province
 Northwestern Province
 Central Province
Tuesday 3 Oct. 1995Session 1
Luapula Province
Eastern Province
Session 2Organisation of agriculture extension in Zambia
Session 3Effectiveness of extension approach used in Eastern Province
Session 4Organisation and planning of aquaculture extension
Wednesday 4 Oct. 1995Session 5Working groups on extension planning and organisation
Session 6Presentation and discussion of working group findings
Thursday 5 Oct.Session 7Field trip, visit to rural fish ponds around Kaphiri Poshi
Session 8Endorsement of conclusions and recommendations
Session 9Closing


ObjectiveExtension MessageExtension methodPlanning of activities
Increase number of fish farmersAwareness:
why fish farming
- Diversification
- Profit
what is fish farming
- Techniques
- System of assistance
- Meetings through headmen, churches etc.
- T&V system, pamphlets, slides, mass media
Follow up: T&V, field days, mobile courses
Because of the limited resources activities should be narrowed down, select most suitable areas, identify well motivated DoA staff.
Secure Extension material
Carry out awareness campaign
Train Agricultural staff
Train farmers
Increase production of existing ponds for all categories of farmersCommercial: latest info, market info, fish feed, environmental effects, water conservation
Medium scale: fish feed, management principles, integrated aquaculture
Small scale: pond management, locally available feeds and feeding
Commercial: individual visits of FO, specialised documents, invitations to visit library, networking with research institutes, mailing lists of other farmers, farmers union.
Medium scale: Agricultural bulletin, Zambian Fish Farmer, mailing list at district level.
Small scale: T&V system, demonstration farmers
Bring planning of activites down to district level
Emphasize on low cost planning
Information and document to be sent to districts
Promote private fingerling production Identify farmers: interested, 3 ponds minimum, 1500 m2 minimum, received training.
Provide broodstock, develop syllabus, develop training material.
Technical advice to interested farmersGood conditions have to be present, teach what minimum requirements are, teach good managementFlipcharts, textbook for organized teaching, handbook for every day management, individual follow up and yearly surveyPrepare extension officer for work, yearly programming their training
Visit farmers, monthly programming.

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