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The recommendations responded to the objectives of the Expert Consultation and were focused on water scarcity, national and regional water and food security, and available national and regional policy options to address these issues.

The Consultation observed that:

National governments were fully aware of the problems of water scarcity and its implication for food security and rural welfare;

In view of the similarity of the policy issues and challenges faced by the countries of the region, there was a scope and a general interest to expand regional cooperation on common issues such as food security and trade, water legislation and administration; capacity building and human resources development; and exchange of information and experiences among the countries. Such cooperation needed to be integrated with other regional socio-economic cooperation programmes. A water-basin approach was noted as the base for water management.

Based on these observations the following recommendations were made:

Governments are encouraged to undertake national water sector policy reform, including:

Water scarcity has to be addressed with a mix of policy options (e.g., water resources development, water allocation, pricing, legislation and institutions, etc.) combined in a holistic way. This requires established institutional and human capacity and exchange of methodology and experience.

The consultation supported expanded regional cooperation and exchange in the area of water policy, including:

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