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8 Session on Workshop Recommendations

This chapter presents main recommendations of the workshop. This session preceded the closure session on May 26, 2000. Main recommendation from each session were presented, deliberated and approved by the participants.

8.1 General

The recommendation session of the workshop had very sincere discussions on all the proposals from different sessions. It provides a roadmap for activities to be undertaken during the remaining period of the project and for activities to be proposed in the follow up project.

8.2 Recommendations

The workshop in its last but one session made following main recommendations:

a. Development of Regional forestry information network

The work of development of project and countries website should continue at

b. Development of FAO Country profiles and data sets

c. Development of World Forest Survey

d. Development of Regional Forest Policy for South Asia

e. Development of Regional Forest Forum/Center

8.3 Summary

The workshop was very well represented by the member countries and a guest country (Myanmar). The deliberations in the recommendation sessions were very focused and all participants sincerely contributed to develop of main recommendations of the workshop. The main recommendations include continuation of current activities, development of regional and country web-sites and Internet networks, development of a regional forestry center/forum, formulation of a regional forest policy, and participating in World Forest Survey. These recommendations will guide future activities of the project during its remaining period as also a possible follow up project.

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