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9 Closing Session

The workshop closed as scheduled on May 26, 2000 at Thimpu. The Director, Forest Services Division summarized the workshop proceedings. The delegates and the FAO expressed their thanks to the Royal Bhutanese Forest Department for such a wonderful arrangement and management of the workshop. This chapter presents the text of the speech of the Director of Forestry Services, Royal Government of Bhutan and Vote of thanks presented by Mr. D. B. Dhital, Head Forest Resource Development (FRDS), Royal Government of Bhutan

9.1 Speech by Director, Forest Services, Bhutan

"Distinguished participants, FAO representatives, and colleagues from the forest department. It is a great pleasure to note that this very important workshop on Forest Planning, Database and Networking has successfully concluded here in Thimphu today. We are honoured to have been given the chance to host such an important workshop in our country and privileged to have so many distinguished professionals from many different countries participate

Today in a world beset with complications related to forest resources degradation and depletion, the need to manage these resources scientifically is felt critical. In Bhutan, although we boast of a forest cover of about 72% that is stated to be in a pristine state, we are not being complacent. About 26% of the total land area has been designated as protected with the main objective of conserving biodiversity. Management of forest resources outside the protected area network is carried out within a system of Forest Management Units. It is envisaged that existing and potential Forest Management Units, apart from meeting demands for forest produce, will also play an important role in bio-diversity conservation, provide buffers around, and genetic corridors between the protected areas. Forest Management Units scattered all over the country account for about 6% of the country’s area.

During the course of the workshop, it gives me great pleasure to note that colleagues from my Department had a chance to share the experiences gained in the field of forest management planning in Bhutan. More importantly, we had the chance to gain insight into and learn from the planning processes adopted and practiced in our neighbouring countries, and the experiences that they have gained. For instance, many of us can learn from the rich experience Nepal has in the field of community forest management and involving people in the management process.

Today, in Bhutan, we stand at the threshold of stepping into the world of information technology. We have opened our doors to the Internet and introduced a television network only as late as June last year. Hardly a year has passed since then. Yet we can feel the impact in terms of information exchange with the outside world and raised level of awareness amongst ourselves. Therefore, it is very satisfying that experiences and exchange of ideas have also taken place with regards to forest databases and networking. It is noteworthy that India – who has already developed a comprehensive networking plan to connect most of their institutes and have the state-of-the-art technology – has volunteered to render help to other countries on the verge of setting up such a network.

I have been informed that the workshop has come up with proposals to set up a regional forestry information network, to establish a focal point for submission of country profiles, to contribute towards a world forest survey and explore possibilities of developing a forest policy for South Asia Region. All these proposals are, I believe, of utmost importance in our struggle towards managing our forest resources sustainably. A proposal has also been made to develop a South Asian Forestry Institution. I believe that such an institution can act as a platform on which common concerns can be discussed and adequate solutions sought. It can also be an arena where experiences can be shared. This will lead towards developing strengthened cooperation between member nations.

This strengthened cooperation in-turn will lead us towards proper resources management and propel us towards achieving sustainable developments in our countries. In the aftermath, it should lighten our hearts and give us delight to know that our children can and will enjoy the same benefits from the forests as we have.

Before I forget, I would like to thank the FAO office for sponsoring this workshop and my colleagues from the Department for working hard to make this workshop a success. I hope the cooperation that the Department of Forestry and FAO enjoy develop into even stronger ties to enable us to achieve desired goals within the forestry sector, which can have worldwide implications.

Distinguished participants:

Let me reiterate once again that it has been an honour and privilege to be the host for this workshop and also to have so many distinguished participants from many different countries. I hope you all have had a very rewarding experience from the workshop.

I have been told that arrangements are being made for those of you staying back after the 26th to see the Wangdue and Punakha valley. I hope you have a pleasant trip and that you enjoy the beauty of the country. For the rest of you who are leaving on the 27th, I wish you all a very safe journey back home. I hope you have had a warm and pleasant experience within your short stay in our country. It is a pity that you can’t stay back for a few more days, but I would like you to know that you are most welcome to visit us anytime in the future.

I will not take anymore of your time. Have a pleasant evening.

Thank you and Tashi Delek!!!

9.2 Speech by Head, FRDS, Bhutan

Honorable Chief Guest, Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Distinguish resource persons from FAO, Distinguish Delegates from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Bhutan, Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, I on behalf of the Organizing Committee of this workshop would like to thanks the honourable Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Royal Government of Bhutan, for having consented to be the Chief Guest for the inauguration session of this workshop despite of his extremely busy schedule.

We feel deeply honoured by your presence in this workshop on forest planning, database and networking which the Department of Forestry Services, Ministry of Agriculture and FAO Regional Project GCP/RAS/162/JPN is jointly organizing.

Your presence in this workshop is the testimony to the importance attached by the Ministry of Agriculture, Royal Government of Bhutan, for the cause of sustainable forest management in our region. I would like to put on record by thanking the Director, Department of Forestry Services, for his constant encouragement and guidance during the preparation and all other logistics arrangement for this workshop. Without his constant guidance to the Committee this workshop would not have been a reality.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thanks the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, in particular the Project "Forest Resources Assessment for Sustainable Planning" and the Project Co-coordinator for generously providing the fund required for holding this workshop in Thimphu, Bhutan. My thanks are also due to the FAO Office in Thimphu for assisting us very closely and making this workshop take place in Bhutan.

I would, on behalf of the Organizing Committee, like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the Governments who have sponsored very senior officials from the Forest Departments and Institutes of their countries, to take part and deliberate in this workshop. Their vast experiences would definitely be useful in arriving at fruitful conclusion on any issues that will be discussed during the workshop.

Last but not the least, I would like to thanks all the officials, staff of the Department of Forestry Services, Royal Government of Bhutan, for working very hard in the preparation and arrangement of this workshop venue. Our special thanks are also due to the Head, Department of National Properties, In charge of this Royal Banquet Hall and the Manager of Hotel Jumolhari, Thimphu for extending support in logistics arrangement.

Finally I once again would like to thanks the Honourable Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Royal Government of Bhutan and all other distinguish resource persons, delegates and guests for having responded to our invitation and graced this occasion.

Thank you and Tashi Delek !! "

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