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4. Collaboration of FAO -RAPS with UN agencies on NGO involvement in World Food Summit Follow up

a) The UN Coordinated follow up on UN Conferences and Summits

The UN Coordinated Follow up of major UN Conferences and Summits aims to translate the normative recommendations of conferences and meetings into operational guidelines with implications for implementation at the country level.

In the draft report received from the UNDP, the World Food Summit Plan of Action (1996) is not mentioned though earlier meetings such as the ICN (1992) are accounted for. The World Food Summit was a key conference of the decade and it’s Plan of Action has implications on the global food and agriculture status. The recommendations from the WFS should be included in the study.

b) ACC Network on Food Security and Rural Development


“The objective of the ACC Network is to promote collaborative, “ground up” and not “headquarters down” activities that help to set priorities and to design programmes and projects for rural development an food security and to use more effectively resources available to national institutions and UN system organisations.”


Commitment Seven of the World Food Summit Plan of Action assigns the ACC a significant role in the Summit follow up activities. The ACC network mechanism involves both field level arrangements involving participation of national governments, and NGOs and at the headquarters level to promote the sharing of country experiences and updating of progress reports.

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