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Part 2: The Toolbox


Steps - (activities/tasks)

Method / Tool to be used

Who participates?

Who organises or facilitates?


1. Forming the CAP Workshop facilitation team

Meetings / consultations see CAP Tool 1 p. 16

Representatives from kebelle / tabia, woreda institutions

Woreda Co-ordination Committee

2. Preparing the CAP Workshop

Document reviews / meetings see CAP Tool 2 p. 18

CAP Workshop facilitation team

CAP Workshop facilitation team leader

3. Holding an information meeting

Community meeting / posters see CAP Tool 3 p. 21

Whole community is invited to participate

CAP Workshop facilitation team


4. Problem Identification through brainstorming

Discussion and Brainstorming see CAP Tool 4 p. 23

Focus groups, including:

1) female headed households

2) landless youth

3) male headed households without oxen

4) mixed group of other residents

CAP Workshop facilitation team

5. Prioritization of Problems to be addressed through micro- project planning

Ranking (secret) see CAP Tool 5 p. 24

CAP Workshop facilitation team

6. Planning on the basis of Analysis of Problems and Potentials

PAPP Matrix see CAP Tool 6 p. 26

CAP Workshop facilitation team

7. Ranking of proposed project ideas

Ranking (secret) see CAP Tool 7 p. 31

CAP Workshop facilitation team

8. Quick feasibility check of proposed micro-projects

Team meeting see CAP Tool 8 p. 32

CAP Workshop facilitation team

CAP Workshop facilitation team leader

9. Analysing local institutional potentials to support microproject planning

Venn Diagram see CAP Tool 9 p. 34

Micro project interest group

CAP Workshop facilitation team

10. Preparation of first microproject ideas

Microproject activity plan see CAP Tool 10 p. 38

Micro project interest group

CAP Workshop facilitation team

11. Agreement on responsibilities for follow-up meetings

Nominations / discussions see CAP Tool 11 p. 44

Micro project interest group

CAP Workshop facilitation team

12. Presentation of micro-project ideas to other interest groups

Meeting see CAP Tool 12 p. 45

All CAP Workshop participants

CAP Workshop facilitation team


13. Finalising interest group membership and selecting leaders according to microproject type and geographical location.

Interest group reorganisation see CAP Tool 13 p. 46

CAP workshop participants, technical advisers, group promoters

Microproject interest group leaders, DAs and technical advisers

14. Revising / completing microproject activity plans and preparing detailed time plans and resource requirements.

Microproject Planning forms see CAP Tool 14 p. 48

Microproject interest groups, technical advisers

Microproject interest group leaders

15. Initiating cooperative development and business planning training.

Cooperative Planning see CAP Tool 15 p. 55

Coop Committee members, Cooperative Promotion Desk

Cooperative Promotion Desk

16. Starting a savings and credit group.

Savings and credit groups see CAP Tool 16 p. 58

Household interest groups

Microproject interest group leaders, DAs and experts.


17. Applying for extra resources from the CDF.

Application forms, Agreement forms see CAP Tool 17 p. 61

Microproject interest groups, cooperative committees

Microproject interest group leaders, Coop committee chairmen


18. Teaching households about business and money planning.

Learning groups see CAP Tools 18-25 p. 67

Household interest groups

Microproject interest group leaders, DAs and other technical advisers


19. Monitoring and evaluation of CAP and microprojects

Review meetings see CAP Tool 26 p. 97

Representatives of interest groups

Microproject interest group leaders, DAs

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