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CAP Tool 1. Team Formation


The CAP Workshop facilitation team consists of a mixed group of representatives from the village, kebelle/gott and woreda levels and might also sometimes be joined by people from the regional level. This team should be a good mix of women and men with different backgrounds, experience and knowledge and representing a range of different institutions, including community based organisations that are operating in the woreda and the kushets/gotts where planning is to take place.



1. The Woreda Co-ordination Committee, in collaboration with the Tabia/Kebelle Committee, proposes which institutions and individuals should become part of the CAP Workshop facilitation team. Selection criteria should ensure that the above mentioned objectives of the team formation are met.

2. The Woreda Co-ordination Committee, in collaboration with the regional bureaux and the PMU, should identify an experienced CAP facilitator as a trainer of CAP teams who could also be an important advisor for conducting the first round of CAP workshops.

3. The Woreda Co-ordination Committee should decide who should be the team leader for the different CAP workshop teams, while taking into account her/his experience in facilitation tasks and while keeping in mind the roles/tasks of this person as outlined in CAP tool 2.

4. Proposed CAP Workshop facilitation team members need to be willing and able to participate in the CAP training workshops held at woreda levels.

5. The CAP Workshop facilitation team meets to decide on their tasks as a group and to decide on individual responsibilities. All team members should be willing to gradually build their facilitation skills.

6. The team will be responsible for Preparing the CAP Workshop (CAP Tool 2) and Informing the Community (CAP Tool 3) about the community action planning process.

Who should or could be part of the CAP facilitation team?

· DA, Development Agent
· HA, Home Agent
· TBA, Traditional Birth Attendant
· Teachers
· Literate Individuals from the community
· Members of the tabia/kebelle committee
· Representatives from the service co-operatives
· CBO; Community Based Organization Representatives
· NGO representatives
· WAO; Women Affairs Office
· WAO; Woreda Agricultural Office
· WCBO; Woreda Capacity Building Office
· WCPO; Woreda Cooperatives Promotion Office
· WEO; Woreda Education Office
· WFSC;Woreda Food Security Coordinator
· WHO; Woreda Health Office
· WRDO; Woreda Rural Development Office
· WWME; Woreda Water, Mines and Energy Office
· Regional or national representatives might also join!!
· Who else?

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