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CAP Tool 2. Preparing the CAP Workshops


The CAP facilitation team prepares the detailed schedule and logistics of the CAP Workshop and decides on the distribution of roles and responsibilities for this preparation work.


To ensure that the CAP Workshop is prepared in a proper way and that the CAP Workshop Objectives can be achieved.


1. In consultation with the PMU decide on the appropriate geographic coverage of the CAP workshop.

2. CAP team members should take time to familiarize with the situation analysis document prepared for the two woredas and the four project strategies.

3. Familiarize with all the details of the Community Action Planning Guidelines for Facilitation Teams and ensure that every team member fully understands them.

4. The team leader should also be familiar with the more comprehensive versions of the CAP and CDF guidelines.

5. Familiarize with existing kushet/gott PRA profiles and other reports of the area and any other relevant documents that might be available on the situation in the kushet/gott to be visited. Discuss within the team the existing knowledge about the livelihood situation of the different vulnerable groups and prepare a brief summary of the problems and potentials for each of the vulnerable groups.

6. All team members should have participated in a CAP and micro project planning training.

7. Prepare a check list of tasks to be done and agree on who will be responsible for the different tasks.

8. Familiarize with the list below of different CAP workshop roles as facilitator, note-taker and team leader, and confirm who will take on the different roles during the CAP Workshop.

9. Subject to the team size, decide how many different socio-economic groups will be formed during the CAP Workshop. The minimum number is four groups: Female headed households, Landless youth, Male headed households without oxen and a group of mixed types of households. Should the CAP workshop facilitation team have more that nine facilitators, you might want to consider an additional group which could for instance look into the specific livelihood situation of pregnant women, girls, HIV/AIDS affected or children under five. This concerns CAP Tools 4 to 8.

10. Subject to the team size, decide how many different interest groups could be formed on the last day of the CAP workshop to start planning different micro projects. This concerns CAP Tool 10: Micro project Planning.

11. Depending on the number of groups you want to form during the CAP Workshop, prepare a detailed time schedule for the CAP Workshop, including the major CAP workshop tools (CAP tools 4 to 12).

12. Organize the information meeting in the community and prepare all the material and information needed to conduct it. Please read the CAP tool 3 “Informing the Community” as a check list to ensure that you have covered all the important aspects.

13. Make all the logistical arrangements necessary to conduct the CAP workshop.

14. Prepare all the material such as charts, pens, documentation sheets, flipcharts, pinboards which you will need for the CAP workshop.


1 Team Leader



2 Facilitator



3 Note Taker



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