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CAP tool 12. Presentation of Microproject Planning Activity


To present, share, discuss the results of the different microproject interest groups and to provide an opportunity to clarify any outstanding issues and to remind participants of the next planning steps to be undertaken by the different interest groups.

How to facilitate:

1. Depending on time availability MP interest groups briefly present their micro projects and give some time so that participants can comment on the presentations.

2. Team Leader reminds the audience of the role of the CAP workshop within the overall CAP process and explains that microproject interest groups are now expected to take over responsibility for the detailed planning and final requesting of funds, if necessary.

3. Team Leader reminds the audience that the CAP process has to be seen as a learning process for everybody and that accountability and commitment is requested from all involved stakeholders. The CAP workshop should not be seen as a single event, but will be repeated. Additionally people are encouraged to also plan micro projects outside the formal event of a CAP workshop.

4. Team Leader invites community to discuss any outstanding issues or open questions.

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