ALCOM Report No. 13

ALCOM                                                                                         GCP/INT/555/SWE
Aquaculture for Local Community Development Programme     GCP/RAF/277/BEL

ALCOM Report No. 13

Report of the Sixth Steering Committee Meeting

Maputo, Mozambique
16-19 February 1993

Funding Agencies :

Executing Agency :
Harare, Zimbabwe, April 1993.


The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area of its authorities, or concerning the delimination of its frontiers or boundaries.


This document is the adopted report of the Sixth Steering Committee of ALCOM (Aquaculture for Local Community Development Programme). The meeting was hosted by the Government of Mozambique, and was held in Maputo, Mozambique, from 16 to 19 February, 1993.

The document contains also the Progress Report for 1992, the Work Plan for 1993, and a document discussing the future of ALCOM from 1993 to 1995.

Members of the Steering Committee are the SADC countries (Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe); donors; and the FAO as executing agency.

The main tasks are to

-- monitor and review progress in the implementation of ALCOM.

-- decide on and provide assistance and direction for implementing the annual Work Plan.

The Committee meets annually by rotation in member countries.

ALCOM is a regional aquaculture and fisheries programme of the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). It is based in Harare, Zimbabwe, and covers all the SADC countries. The aim of ALCOM is to assist member countries to improve the living standards of rural populations through the practice of aquaculture. Toward this end, pilot activities are conducted in member countries to demonstrate new ideas, techniques and methodologies. Successes achieved, ideas derived, lessons learnt, are applied on a wider scale by member governments.

ALCOM is funded by Sweden and Belgium. Its preparatory phase began in October 1986, and its first implementation phase in October 1990.




Election of chairperson

Adoption of the agenda

Action taken on decisions and recommendations of the Fifth Steering Committee

Progress Report 1992

Preliminary report by the Working Group on the Future of ALCOM

Report from the Technical Consultation on the Enhancement of Small Water Body Fisheries in Southern Africa

Report on the Project “Enhancement of the Role of Women in Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Development”

Status of Study on International Fisheries Research (SIFR)

ALCOM's orientation 1993–1995

Work Plan 1993

Date and venue for the next meeting

Other matters


Adoption of the report


1. List of participants

2. Speech of the Minister of Agriculture of Mozambique
Mr Alexandre Zandamela

3. Agenda

4. Progress Report 1992

5. ALCOM 1993–1995: An outline

1. Introduction

2. Objectives

3. Achievements up to 1992

3.1 Target areas

3.2 Achievements/results

3.2.1 Extension and training

3.2.2 Methods to gather information for planning and project design

3.2.3 Aquaculture and farming systems

3.2.4 Utilization of small water bodies for aquaculture and fisheries

3.2.5 Environmental aspects of aquaculture

3.2.6 Women and youth in aquaculture development

3.2.7 Aquaculture and human nutrition

3.2.8 Development support

3.2.9 Information services

3.2.10 Summary of conclusions

4. ALCOM 1993 – 1995

4.1 Considerations

4.2 The concept of actions programmes

4.3 Action Programme 1: Institutions for aquaculture extension

4.4 Action Programme 2: Institutions for development planning, communications and information

4.5 Action Programme 3: Diversification of rural economies through aquaculture

4.6 Action Programme 4: Utilization of small water bodies for Aquaculture and Fisheries

6. Work Plan 1993


Action Programme 1: Institutions for aquaculture extension

AIR/LPZAquaculture and integrated rural development-Luapula Province, Zambia (NTE April 1993)
FAR/EPZField testing of aquaculture in rural development - Eastern Province Zambia (NTE April 1993)
EXT/ZAMImproved aquaculture extension services - Zambia (New)
EXT/MOZFish culture extension for Manica Province - Mozambique (New)

Action Programme 2: Institutions for development planning, communications and information

INF/GENInformation services (general)

Action Programme 3: Diversification of rural economies through aquaculture

CAR/MOZFeasibility of the introduction of Chinese carps - Mozambique
HAS/GENIntermittent harvesting methods (NTE April 1993)
REC/URTDevelopment of semi-intensive fish farming - Tanzania (New)
ECO/REGEconomics of small-scale rural aquaculture (New)
MKT/REGCollection and dissemination of market information (New)
PFC/REGPrivate small-scale rural fingerling production centres (New)

Action Programme 4: Utilization of small water bodies for fisheries and aquaculture

BIO/REGSpecies for small reservoir fisheries and aquaculture (New)
SWB/BOTUtilization of small water bodies - Botswana (NTE April 1993)
SWB/LESUtilization of small water bodies - Lesotho
SWB/MLWMethods for evaluating small reservoir fisheries - Malawi (NTE Dec 1993)
SWB/ZAMUtilization of small water bodies - Zambia
SWB/ZIMUtilization of small water bodies - Zimbabwe

Other functions:

Development support

Technical consultations, workshops, meetings

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