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Appendices (continued)

Appenndix 8
Work Plan for pilot projects under Core Programme (GCP/INT/555/SWE) (continued)

ALCOM Project: Utilisation of Small Water Bodies for Aquaculture and Fisheries (GCP/RAF/277/BEL)

Pilot-Project Work Plan 1996Ref: SWB/ZAM

Small Reservoir Fisheries Management And Production, Southern Province, Zambia


Capture fisheries on Zambia's major inland waters have been static or even declining over the last decade. In Southern Province, there are over 700 small reservoirs on communal lands and commercial farms, ranging in size from 10 to 1000 ha. Most of these reservoirs have fish, either from the dammed streams or stocked in recent years by the Department of Fisheries. Reservoirs are owned and/or controlled by rural communities, District Councils and individuals (commercial farmers), but fishing is not organized. The fishery resource potential, and actual fishing activities, of these reservoirs is not known. To tap this fishery potential, the Department of Fisheries needs methods for assessment, management and enhancement of small reservoir fisheries.

During 1990–1992, the first ALCOM/DoF small water bodies pilot project in Zambia developed fisheries stock assessment and community appraisal methods for small water bodies in Eastern Province. However, proposed management strategies could not be implemented due to local administrative constraints to community management. In Southern Province, the small reservoir resource is much larger than in Eastern Province, and current small-scale irrigation development activities have established community control of reservoirs. These communities, as well as District Councils, could benefit from sustainable reservoir fish production.

The objective of this pilot project in Zambia is small reservoir fishery management guidelines for local communities and governments. Its outputs will contribute to attaining the three immediate objectives of the main ALCOM small water bodies project:

Zambia Workplan 1996Ref: SWB/ZAM

Output SWB/ZAM 1996–97Activity 1996IndicatorsInputs 1996Risks
1. Information on 6 selected reservoirs at the present state of activities, output achieved   
2. Bio-physical profiles of 6 reservoirs and locally adapted sampling methods2.1 Sample with seine and gill netsBi-monthly samples for length frequency data of selected species (collected using beach-seines for small reservoirs and in combination with gill nets for larger reservoirs); fish gonad development, fecundity and period of reproductionDoF Team
ALCOM SWB Fish. Spec.
ALCOM Aquaculturist (APO)
Vehicle and boat
Fish sampling gear
Water sampling equipment
Equipment failure, loss of samples, leading to incomplete data set.
2.2 Sample limnological and biological parametersBi-monthly samples of: water level, surface area, depth, temperature and oxygen profiles, pH, Secchi-depth, alkalinity, hardness and conductivity.
3. Profile of, and tested methods for determining, socio-economic situation and fishery management on selected small reservoirs3.1 Gather information on reservoirs from secondary dataCompiled population size structure, economic activities, available infrastructure, etc.ALCOM Socio-economists
ALCOM Aquaculturist (APO)
DoF Team
Lack of sufficient data, or inappropriate methods, to prepare accurate profile
3.2 Carry out participatory surveys to gather information on reservoir management and use, markets and consumer preferencesReport on uses and users of reservoirs, ownership, other communal resources, settlement patterns, community organisations, market and consumer fish preferences, fishing practices, etc.
3.3 Survey fishing gear, fishing effort and CPUE by creel surveySeasonal report on fishing gear, effort and CPUE
3.4 Carry out economic study on demand and availability of fingerlingsReport on type, location and amount of fingerling demand and supplies.
4. Tested options for small reservoir fishery management and enhancement 4.1 Inform communities which control their reservoirs about fisheries potential and options for management.One awareness session completed for at least 4 selected reservoirs; communities aware of potential to manage their reservoirs and informed of their fishery potential.DoF Team
ALCOM SWB Fish. Spec.
ALCOM Aquaculturist (APO)
ALCOM Socio-economists
Training materials
Assessment, management, enhancement options not ready for dissemination, or too difficult for non-specialists to understand.
4.2 Raise awareness of local government reservoir managers about fisheries potential and options for management.One short course held for local government reservoir managers.
4.3 Enhance fisheries production through recommendation of additional stockingAt least 3 reservoirs stocked (by owner or communities) with additional species to occupy vacant niches, effect on production estimated Communities not ready or willing to implement recommendations
5. Zambian staff trained in small reservoir fishery assessment, management and enhancement.5.1 Deliver a total of 10 days of formal training on aspects of small reservoir fishery assessment, management and enhancement.Courses delivered, project staff using fishery assessment methods and capable of evaluating management and enhancement options.DoF Team
ALCOM SWB Fish. Spec.
ALCOM Socio-economists
ALCOM Aquaculturist (APO)
Training materials
6. Guidelines on appropriate fisheries management and enhancement techniques for use with different classes of reservoirs6.1 Develop extension materials on fisheries management and enhancement techniquesAwareness pamphlet on reservoir fisheries management designed and reproduced Documents on legal context and biological background publishedALCOM SWB Fish. Spec.
ALCOM Socio-economists
ALCOM Aquaculturist (APO)

Inputs and estimated costs 1996  Ref: SWB/ZAM
  ALCOM (US$)Government (ZKW) 
  Reservoir Fisheries Officer, Harare (ALCOM)2 w/m  
  Socio-economist, Harare (ALCOM)2 w/m  
  Aquaculturist (APO), Chilanga (ALCOM)11 w/m  
  Socio-economist (NPO), Choma (ALCOM)9 w/m  
  Assistant Director (Aquaculture), Chilanga (DoF) 0.5 w/m 
  Fisheries Research Officer, Chilanga (DoF) 3 w/m 
  Provincial Fisheries Development Officer, Choma (DoF) 1 w/m 
  Aquaculturist, Choma (DoF) 3 w/m 
  Fisheries Assistant, Choma (DoF) 3 w/m 
  ??? Driver, Chilanga 3 w/m 
20Duty travel1200  
  international (ALCOM staff)6 000   
  local (DoF staff)6 000   
30Sub contract (socio-economic studies)2 000  
40Operating expenses7 000  
50Supplies and materials5 000  
  Drottningholm nets (existing)   
  Misc. fish sampling gear1 000   
  Camping gear500   
  Hach products1 000   
  Misc. expendibles2 000 2 000 
60Equipment2 500  
  Portable computer, printer and modem (existing)   
  miscellaneous equipment2 500 3 000 
70Premises         DoF Offices, Chilanga and Choma
80Training2 000  
TOTAL30 500  


List of staff associated with the pilot projectRef: SWB/ZAM

ALCOM Zambia Fisheries Department
Mr. Lieven VerheustReservoir Fisheries Officer, HarareMr. Charles MaguswiAssistant Director (Aquaculture), Chilanga
Mr. François NoëlSocio-economist, HarareMr. Killian KalongaFisheries Research Officer, Chilanga
Mr. Robbert HouthuijzenAquaculturist (APO), ChilangaMr. D. NabuyandaProvincial Fisheries Development Officer, Choma
 Socio-economist (NPO), ChomaMr. R. WakumeloAquaculturist, Choma
   Fisheries Assistant, Choma
   Driver, Chilanga


IFAD Food Security Programme, Southern Province
University of Zambia

ALCOM Project: Utilization of Small Water Bodies for Aquaculture and Fisheries (GCP/RAF/277/BEL)

Pilot Project Workplan 1996Ref: SWB/ZIM

Small Reservoir Fisheries Management And Production, Zimbabwe


From 1992 to 1994, ALCOM and the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Management operated a pilot project to develop a rapid small reservoir fishery assessment method and community-based fisheries management strategies. Participatory rural appraisal techniques were used to evaluate current management and propose new strategies at two dams, Mwenje and Mufurudzi. Management by committee and company has been initiated at Mwenje and Mufurudzi respectively. However, more work needs to be done on evaluating the production potential of different types of reservoirs commonly found in Zimbabwe and its relation to management strategy.

Small water bodies in Southern Africa are characterized by fluctuating water levels. This leads to low water levels in years with low rainfall, but also creates large flooded areas during good rains. The fish population in these reservoirs experience an abundance of food during high water, and little food and growth, stress and increased mortality during dry periods. In order for the fishery to maximize its yields, a good understanding of the dynamics of the fish populations in fluctuating reservoirs is required. This is needed before advice can be given on how to increase the present yield from reservoirs.

Most of the communal reservoirs in Zimbabwe are found in the drier areas of the country, Natural Regions 4 and 5. Over 70% of the communal reservoirs have a storage capacity of less than 100 000 m3 and a surface area of less than 6 hectares. Less than 10% of the communal reservoirs have a surface area of 20 hectares or more. Extreme water level fluctuations can be expected in those small reservoirs situated in the dry and warm areas of the country. Selection of the reservoirs should take the size distribution of communal dams into account, and should concentrate on those areas that are representative for the majority of the reservoirs.

The pilot project will be coordinated by National Professional Officer Fisheries Biologist recruited by ALCOM who will work in collaboration with at least three Zimbabwe institutions:

The objective of this pilot project in Zimbabwe is small reservoir fishery management strategies for local communities. Its outputs will contribute to attaining the three immediate objectives of the main ALCOM small water bodies project:

Zimbabwe workplan 1996

Output SWB/ZIM 1996–97Activity 1996IndicatorsInputs 1996Risks
1. Bio-physical profiles of 9 reservoirs for at least one growing season.Alternate bi-monthly physico-chemical sampling and bi-monthly fish sampling.Data on physico-chemical sampling recorded and analyzeTeam from ALCOM, Agritex and DNPWM, vehicle, computer, boat, water analysis equipment, camping equipment and fish sampling equipment.Equipment or staff not available on time.
Data on bi-monthly fish sampling recorded and analyzed
2. Socio - economic profiles of communities around the reservoirs.2.1 Gather information on reservoirs from secondary data.Socio-economic indicators important for reservoir management identifiedTeam from ALCOM, Agritex and DNPWM, relevant questionnaires, computer, vehicleRelevant inputs not available on time.
2.2 Gather information on fishing effort, fishing gear and CPUE by creel surveys.Seasonal report on fishing gear, selectivity and catch figures.
2.3 Surveys to gather information on economic, market attributes, social, consumer preferences, institutional arrangements, stocking.Report on social and economic attributes of marketing
3 Tested options for small reservoir fisheries management and enhancement.3.1 Assess fishery potential of selected reservoirs.Fish growth and production measured in selected dams.Team from ALCOM, Agritex and DNPWM, computer, vehicle, fish transport equipmentLegal context in transitional phase and difficult to assess
3.2 Stocking of dried-up dams and follow-up.Minimum 2 reservoirs restocked. Effect on production estimated.
3.3 Supplementary stocking in reservoirs with unoccupied niches.Minimum 5 reservoirs stocked additionnally (by communities) to occupy vacant niches. Effect on production estimatedCommunities not ready or willing to implement recommendations
3.4 Raise awareness on legal issues governing the reservoirs.Legal context cleared out, meetings and guidelines on legal frame work at all levels.
4 Training in small reservoir fisheries assessment, management and enhancement4.1 Zimbabwean staff trained in fishery potential assessment and enhancementRelevant Agritex and NP staff trained for at least 1 weekALCOM team 
5 Guidelines on appropriate fisheries management and enhancement techniques5.1 Publication of guidelines for fisheries enhancementGuidelines on bio-technical background of small reservoir fisheries management published and disseminatedALCOM team
Contracted specialist on fisheries regulation
legal context in transitional phase and difficult to assess
5.2 Publication of information on legal context of small reservoir fisheries managementGuidelines on legal context of small reservoir fisheries management published and disseminated

Inputs and estimated costs 1996   Ref: SWB/ZIM
   ALCOM (US$)Government (ZW$) 
  Reservoir Fisheries Officer, Harare (ALCOM)   3 w/m  
  Socio-economist, Harare (ALCOM)   2 w/m  
  Fisheries Officer, (NPO) Harare 12 w/m  
  Chief Ecologist (Aquatic) (DNPWM)  0.5 w/m 
  Fisheries Extension Officer (Agritex)  6 w/m 
  Fisheries Assistant (Agritex or DNPWM)  6 w/m 
20Duty travel (local) 12 000  
30Sub contract (socio-economic studies)   2 000  
40Operating expenses   6 000  
50Supplies and materials   4 000  
  Drottningholm nets (existing)    
  Beach-seine   500   
  Misc. fish sampling gear1 000   
  Camping gear   500   
  Hach products1 000   
  Misc. expendibles1 000   
60Equipment 10 000  
  Vehicle (existing)    
  10' boat and trailer (existing)    
  fishing equipment9 000   
  Computer, printer and modern (existing)    
  Hach equipment1 000 3 000 
80Training   5 000  
TOTAL 39 000  


List of staff associated with the pilot projectRef: SWB/ZIM

ALCOM Department of National Parks and Wildlife Management
Ms. Lieven VerheustReservoir Fisheries Officer, HarareDr. Cecil MachenaActing Chief Ecologist (Aquatic)
Mr. François NoëlSocio-economist, Harare  
Ms. Sophie MutsekwaFisheries Officer, Harare  


Agritex Fisheries Unit
University of Zimbabwe, Dept of Biology
University of Zimbabwe, CASS

Appendix 9
List of ALCOM Publications

GCP/INT/436/SWE/REP/1Report of the First Advisory Committee Meeting Lusaka, Zambia, 3–5 November 1987. FAO Rome, 1987. 16 p.
GCP/INT/436/SWE/REP/2Report of the Technical Consultation on Aquaculture in Rural Development. Lusaka, Zambia, 27–30 October 1987. FAO Rome, 1987. 84 p.
GCP/INT/436/SWE/REP/3Report of the Second Advisory Committee Meeting. Harare, Zimbabwe, 5–8 October 1988. FAO Rome, 1988. 21 p.
GCP/INT/436/SWE/REP/4Report of the Third Advisory Committee Meeting. Maseru, Lesotho, 5–8 September 1989. FAO Rome, 1989. 24 p.
GCP/INT/436/SWE/REP/5Report of the Workshop on Methods to Promote Aquaculture in Rural Development. Chipata, Zambia, 10–14 July 1989. FAO Lusaka, 1989. 21 p.
GCP/INT/436/SWE/REP/6Report of the Technical Consultation on Aquaculture and Human Nutrition. Maseru, Lesotho, 5–8 June 1989. FAO Rome, Zimbabwe, 1990, 54 p.
GCP/INT/436/SWE/REP/7Gender Issues in Fisheries and Aquaculture including proceedings of the Workshop on Enhanced Women's Participation in Fisheries Development, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 4–7 December 1990. FAO Harare, Zimbabwe, 1991, 132 p
GCP/INT/436/SWE/REP/8Report of the Fourth Steering Committee Meeting, Mbabane, Swaziland, 19–22 February 1991. FAO Harare, Zimbabwe, 1991. 76 p.
GCP/INT/436/SWE/REP/9How Fish Culture can Stimulate Economic growth. By Ulf Wijkstrom, Economist Consultant. FAO Harare, Zimbabwe, February 1992. 64 p.
GCP/INT/436/SWE/REP/10Report of the Fifth Steering Committee Meeting, Mangochi, Malawi, 11 – 14 February 1992. FAO Harare, Zimbabwe 1992. 82 p.
ALCOM Report No. 11Rapid Appraisal for Small Water Bodies. by Philip Townsley Consultant Socio-Economist. FAO Harare, Zimbabwe, November 1992. 55p.
ALCOM Report No. 12Report of the Technical Consultation on the Enhancement of Small Water Body fisheries in southern Africa. By Boyd A. Haight. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, January 1994. 35 p.
ALCOM Report No. 13Report of the Sixth Steering Committee Meeting. Maputo, Mozambique, 16–19 February, 1993. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, April 1993. 100 p.
ALCOM Report No. 14Report of the Seventh Steering Committee Meeting, Swakopmund, Namibia, 14–17 February 1994. FAO. Harare, Zimbabwe, June 1994. 65 p.
ALCOM Report No. 15Aquaculture into the 21st Century in Southern Africa: Report prepared by the Working Group on the Future of ALCOM. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, September 1994. 48 p.
ALCOM Report No. 16Aquaculture Extension Guidelines for Small Scale Farmers. Based on experiences from a pilot project in Eastern Province, Zambia. By Jennie van der Mheen-Sluijer, Socio-Economist, ALCOM. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, April 1995. 63 p.
ALCOM Report No. 17Report of the Workshop on Improved Fish Farming Practices and Extension Services for Zambia. Mansa, Zambia, 15–18 March 1993. By Boyd A. Haight, Senior Aquaculturist, ALCOM. (In preparation)
ALCOM Report No. 18Report of the Seminar on Fish Production in Lowlands Reservoirs, Lesotho. Maseru, Lesotho, 13–14 June 1994. By B. Haight, Senior Aquaculturist, and Sevaly Sen, Socio-economist. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, December 1995. 23p.
ALCOM Report No. 19Report of the Technical Consultation on Species for Small Reservoir Fisheries and Aquaculture in Southern Africa. Livingstone, Zambia, 7–11 November 1994. By Boyd A. Haight. (In preparation)
ALCOM Report No. 20Report of the Eighth Steering Committee Meeting, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, 13–16 February 1995. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, April 1995. 97p
ALCOM Report No. 21Report of the Technical Consultation on extension Methods for Smallholder fish Farming in Southern Africa, Lilongwe, Malawi, 20–24 November 1995. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, April 1996. 40p.
ALCOM Report No. 22Report on the Ninth Steering Committee Meeting, Gaborone, Botswana, 13–16 February, 1996. FAO Harare, Zimbabwe, April 1996. 88p.
FI:GCP/INT/436/SWE.1Socio-Cultural, Socio-Economic, Bio-Environmental and Bio-Technical Aspects of Aquaculture in Rural Development. FAO Rome, 1987. 51 p.
FI:GCP/INT/436/SWE.2A Socio-Economic Survey of Fish Farmers in Rural Communities. By U. Wijkstrom. Consultant. FAO Rome, 1988. 78 p.
FI:GCP/INT/436/SWE.3Formulation Mission: Southem African Region (November to December 1987). FAO Rome, 19&S. 50 p. Addendum 1. Formulation Mission: Botswana. FAO Lusaka, 1988. 16 p.
FI:GCP/INT/436/SWE.4Fish Farmers in Rural Communities: Evaluation of Questionnaires and Survey Routines Used During a Pilot Survey in the Northern Province of Zambia (October 1987). By U.N. Wijkstrom, Economist, and H. Aase, Aquaculturist. FAO Rome, 1988. 80 p.
FI:GCP/INT/436/SWE.5Fish Farmers in Rural Communities: Results of a Pilot Survey in Northern Province of Zambia. By U.N. Wijkstrom, Economist, and H. Aase, Aquaculturist. FAO Lusaka, 1989. 63 p.
FI:GCP/INT/436/SWE.6Field Testing of Aquaculture in Rural Development: Pilot Project in Eastern Province of Zambia. By J. van der Mheen. Socio-economist, and H. van der Mheen, Aquaculturist. FAO Lusaka, 1989. 56 p.
GCP/INT/436/SWE.7Intermittent Harvesting Methods: Report of a Consultancy. By S. Sen, Socio-economist, and J. Jansen, Aquaculturist. FAO Lusaka, 1989. 39p.
GCP/INT/436/SWE.8Fish farmers in Rural Communities: Results of a Survey in Northwestern Province of Zambia. By U.N. Wijkstrom, Economist, and R. Larsson, Socio-economist. FAO, Harare. Zimbabwe, September 1992. 52 p.
GCP/INT/436/SWE.9Tilapia culture by farmers in Luapula Province, Zambia. By U.N. Wijkstrom, Economist, and K.O. Wahlstrom, Aquaculturist. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, November 1992. 62 p.
GCP/INT/436/SWE.10A Bibliography of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Zambia. By I. Andersson, Librarian, and R. Mubamba, Fisheries Research Officer. FAO, Zambia, 1989. 42 p.
GCP/INT/436/SWE.11Utilization of Small Water Bodies, Lesotho. Socio-economic Survey on Demand for Fresh Fish in Communities Around Small Water Bodies. By S. Sen, Socio-economist. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, 1990. 61 p.
GCP/INT/436/SWE.12Utilization of Small Water Bodies. Botswana. Results of a Socioeconomic Survey on Fish Consumption and Fishing. By S. Sen, Socio-economist, FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, 1990. 73 p.
GCP/INT/436/SWE.13Adoption of Fish Farming: Promoting and Inhibiting Factors in Eastern Province, Zambia. By J. van der Mheen, Socio-economist. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, 1991. 41 p.
GCP/INT/436/SWE.14Seaweed Collection and Culture in Tanzania. By S. Sen, Fisheries Economist. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, November 1991. 36 p.
GCP/INT/436/SWE. 15Aquaculture and Farming Systems. A Study of Fish Farmers in North Western Province, Zambia. By B. R. Larsson, Socio-economist. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, July 1993. 34 p.
GCP/INT/436/SWE.16Integration of Fish Farming in the Luapula Farm Household System. By A. de Kartzow, Agronomist, P. van der Heijden, Aquaculturist, and J. van der Schoot, Socio-anthropologist. FAO, Harare, November 1992. 48 p.
GCP/INT/436/SWE.17Integration of Gender Issues into Fish farming in Chibote, Zambia. By Emma, H. Mbozi. FAO, Harare. Zimbabwe, December 1991. 40 p.
GCP/INT/436/SWE.18Round-table meeting on research needs in aquaculture and culture-based fisheries in Zimbabwe. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, December 1991. 48 p.
GCP/INT/436/SWE.19Notes for a technical seminar on aquaculture and economic growth. By U.N. Wijkstrom. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, November 1992. 39 p.
ALCOM Field Document 20A Pilot Socio-Economic Survey of Aquaculture in Ruvuma Region, Tanzania. By Erika Seki, Socio-Economist and Rita Maly (Aquaculturist). FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, January 1994. 107 p.
ALCOM Field Document 21Socio-Economic Study of Fishing Communities along Lake Mweru, Luapula Province, Zambia. By Tilleke Kiewid. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, January 1994. 65 p.
ALCOM Field Document 22Rehabilitation of Homestead Ponds: Lubombo Region, Swaziland. Report of the Study Phase, 1990–1991. By Project Group for Aquaculture Development Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives and Farming Systems Team, ALCOM. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, January 1994. 42 p.
ALCOM Field Document 23Mission Report: Feasibility of Inland Aquaculture and Small Reservoir Fisheries, Namibia. By Boyd A. Haight and Elin Ersdal. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, January 1994. 33 p.
ALCOM Field Document 24Introduction of Aquatic Species into Zambian Waters, and their Importance for Aquaculture and Fisheries. By Dirk F.E. Thys van den Audenaerde. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, January 1994. 32 p.
ALCOM Field Document 25Rice-cum-Fish Trials in Luapula Province, Zambia. By Henrik Nillson and Dominique Blariaux. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, January 1994. 31 p.
ALCOM Field Document 26Developing Community Management of Fisheries Resources in Small Water Bodies: A case study of Mwenje Dam, Zimbabwe by S.C. Chimbuya and Elin Ersdal. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, September 1994.42p
ALCOM Field Document 27Three overviews on Environment and Aquaculture in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics. By Birgitta Larsson. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, December 1994. 46p.
ALCOM Field Document 28Adoption and Viability Criteria for Semi-intensive Fish Farming: A report on a socioeconomic study in Ruvuma and Mbeya Regions, Tanzania. By Henrik Nilsson and Kitojo Wetengere. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, December 1994. 45 p.
ALCOM Field Document 29Utilization of Small Water Bodies, Botswana: Report of Activities towards Fisheries Exploitation, 1992–1993. By U.P. Nermark and T.G. Mmopelwa. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, December 1994. 29 p.
ALCOM Field Document 30Fisheries Monitoring Survey at Sebaboleng Dam, Maseru Town, Lesotho. By Lena Westerlund. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, December 1994. 33 p.
ALCOM Field Document 31Strategies for Fish Production in Lowland Reservoirs, Lesotho. By C. Tilquin and L. Lechela. FAO, Harare, 1995. 76 p.
ALCOM Field Document 32Meeting information needs on gender issues in inland and small water body fisheries. By Sevaly Sen and Erika Seki. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, December 1994. 40 p.
ALCOM Field Document 33Meeting information needs on gender issues in aquaculture. By Jennie van der Mheen Sluijer and Sevaly Sen. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, December 1994. 36p.
ALCOM Field Document 34The Market for Fish and Fish Products in Zimbabwe. By Sevaly Sen. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, February 1995. 37 p.
ALCOM Field Document 35Use of the Internet for development organizations in Africa. By Lieven Verheust. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, December 1995. 17 p.
ALCOM Field Document 36Report of the Seminar on Aquaculture Extension in Zambia, 2–6 October 1995, Pan African Institute for Development, Kabwe, Zambia. By Henk van der Mheen. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, December 1995. 17 p.
ALCOM Field Document 37Aquaculture extension Training Course, 29 August to 9 September 1994, Morogoro, Tanzania. By Joseph Mutale (In preparation).
ALCOM Field Document 38Tag-recapture Study on two selected Small Water Bodies in Malawi, by Emmanuel Kaunda. Harare, Zimbabwe, December 1995. 35 p.
ALCOM Field Document 39The Use of Multimesh Gillnets for Sampling Fish Stocks in Reservoirs in Southern Africa, by Henk van der Mheen. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe, December 1995. 21 p.
ALCOM Field Document 40Report of the Participatory rural appraisal training workshop held at Buchwa Mine, Mberengwa District, 7–17 July 1995. (In preparation)



1st Issue ALCOM News 1988
2nd Issue ALCOM News 1989
3rd Issue ALCOM News 1990
4th Issue ALCOM News October 1991
5th Issue ALCOM News January 1992
6th Issue ALCOM News April 1992
7th Issue ALCOM News July 1992
8th Issue ALCOM News October 1992
9th Issue ALCOM News January 1993
10th Issue ALCOM News April 1993
11th Issue ALCOM News July 1993
12th Issue ALCOM News October 1993
13th Issue ALCOM News January 1994
14th Issue ALCOM News April 1994
15th Issue ALCOM News July 1994
16th Issue ALCOM News October 1994
17th Issue ALCOM News January 1995
18th Issue ALCOM News April 1995
19th Issue ALCOM News July 1995
20th Issue ALCOM News October 1995
21st Issue ALCOM News January 1996
22nd Issue ALCOM News April 1996


Extension Pamphlets

No. 1How to construct your fish pond. 32 p.
(In English & Nyanja, English & Bemba, English & Kiswahili, Portuguese & Shona) 1991
No. 2How to feed your fish. 31 p.
(In English & Nyanja, English & Bemba, English & Kiswahili. Portuguese & Shona) 1991
No. 3How to take care of your fish pond. 19 p.
(In English & Nyanja, English & Bemba, English & Kiswahili, Portuguese & Shona) 1991
No. 4Rice and fish culture. 26 p.
(In English and Bemba) 1994
No. 5.Fish, fish farming and your health.
(In preparation)


Aquaculture in Southern Africa: A sketchbook (Sketches by Jonathan King) 60 p. FAO, Harare, January 1992.

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