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This short list mainly contains those documents which may be useful for participatory project planners and implementers.

1) General

- The Group Promoters Resource Book: a practical guide to building rural self-help groups, FAO, Rome, 1994.

- The Group Enterprise Resource Book: a practical guide for Group Promoters to assist groups in setting up and running successful small enterprises, FAO, Rome, 1995.

- The Inter-Group Resource Book: a guide to building small farmer group associations and networks, FAO. Rome, 2001.

- The Group Savings Resource Book: a practical guide to help groups mobilize and manage their savings, FAO, Rome, 2002.

- HUIZER, Gerrit: Guiding Principles for People's Participation Projects: Design, Operation, Monitoring and On-going Evaluation, FAO, Rome, October 1982 (in English, Spanish and French).

- Small Farmers Development Manual: Volume I - Field Action for Small Farmers, Small Fishermen and Peasants. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, 1978 (in English and Arabic); Volume II - The Field Workshop: A Methodology for Planning, Training and Evaluation of Programmes for Small Farmers/Fishermen and Landless Agricultural Labourers. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, 1979.

- VAN HECK, Bernard: The involvement of the Poor in Development through Rural Organizations, Framework for Research-cum-Action, FAO. Rome. 1977.

- OAKLEY, Peter and MARSDEN, David: Approaches to Participation in Rural Development, ILO, Geneva, 1984.

- OAKLEY, Peter and DILLON, B.: Strengthening People's Participation in Rural Development, University of Reading, April 1985.

- VAN HECK, Bernard: Participation of the Poor in Rural Organizations: A Consolidated Report on Studies in Selected "Countries of Asia, Near East and Africa, FAO, Rome, 1979 (also in French).

- VAN HECK, Bernard: Research Guidelines for Field Action Projects to Promote Participation of the Poor in Rural Organizations, FAO, Rome, 1979 (also in French and Spanish).

- People's Participation in Agricultural and Rural Development, Paper presented at the Tenth Session of the Committee on Agriculture, COAG/89/7, FAO. Rome 1988.

- MCKONE, C.E.: FAO People's Participation Programme: The First Ten Years - Lessons Learnt and Future Directions, FAO, Rome. 1989 (mimeo), contains a bibliography on PPP publications and reports.

- PERERA, K.P.G.M.: Participatory Rural Development Beyond Micro-Scale, prepared for the Regional Review Meeting on Participatory Rural Development, organized by the UN Inter-Agency Committee on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific. Dhaka. July 1988 (draft mimeo).

- OAKLET, Peter: The Monitoring and Evaluation of Participation in Rural Development, FAO, Rome, 1988.

- Guidelines for Designing Development Projects to Benefit the Rural Poor, FAO, Rome 1986.

- ROLLING, Niels and dc ZEEUW, Henk: Improving the Quality of Rural Poverty Alleviation, International Agrarian Centre, Wageningen, The Netherlands. 1983.

- People's Participation in Rural Development: Report on the Expert Consultation of People's Participation in Rural Development, Rome, 8-10 December, FAO, Rome, 1983.

- Participation of the Rural Poor in Development; Seeds of Change. Village through Global Order, Journal of the Society for International Development (SID), 1981: 1, Rome, (with interesting articles by Dr. Anlsur Rahman, ILO, Geneva).

- EL GHONEMY, M. Rlad: People's Participation in Rural Development, FAO, Rome, July 1982.

- UPHOFF, N. COHEN, J.M. and GOLDSMITH, A.A.: Feasibility and Application of Rural Development Participation, A State-of-the-Art Paper, Cornell University, Rural Development Committee, Ithaca, New York, 1987.

- SAMUEL, Paul: Community Participation in Development Projects. The World Bank Experience, World Bank Discussion Papers, The World Bank, Washington, D.C., 1987.

- Rural Cooperatives: Policies and Procedures Manual, UNDP, 1984 (mimeo)

- GUPTA, V.K. and GAIKWAD, V.R»: Guide to Management of Small Farmers Cooperatives, FAO, Rome (undated).

2) Women in Development

- Guidelines for the Integration of Women in Agricultural and Rural Development Projects, FAO, Rome, 1980.

- Checklist for Women in Development for Programming and Project Formation, FAO, Rome, 1981.

- Guidelines: Women in Land and Water Development, FAO, Rome, 1982.

- Women in Fishing Communities; Guidelines, FAO, Rome 1988.

- Restoring the Balance: Women and Forest Resources, FAO and SIDA -Sweden, Rome. 1988.

- HOSKINS, Marilyn: Women in Forestry for Local Community Development, USAID, Washington D.C., 1979.

- HOSKINS, Marilyn: Rural Women, Forest Outputs and Forestry Projects, FAO, Rome, 1983.

3) Forestry

- Tree Growing by Rural People, FAO and SIDA - Sweden, Rome 1985.

- Planning Forestry Extension Programmes, Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in Asia, GCP/RAS/III/NET Field Document No. 8, Forests, Trees and People Programme, Winrock International F/FRED Project, FAO, Bangkok, 1988.

- Sustaining Upland Resources. People's Participation in Watershed Management, FAO and International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Kathmandu, 1986.

- Planning Self-Help Fuelwood Projects in Asia, FAO and SIDA -Sweden. FAO. Bangkok. 1987.

4) Fisheries

- Manual for the Management of Small Fishery Enterprises, by Nautilus Consultants Ltd., FAO Rome, 1987.

- Community Fishery Centres: Guidelines for Establishment and Operation, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 264, FAO, Rome, 1985.

5) Water Management

- Farmers’ Participation and Organization for irrigation Water Management, Land and Water Development Division, FAO, Rome, 1982.

- Participatory Experiences in irrigation Water Management, FAO, Rome. 1985.

6) Training

- VAN HECK, Bernard: Training of Group Promoters in Field Projects of the People's Participation Programme, FAO, Rome, 1983 (English, Spanish and French).

- STEPHENS, Alexandra and PUTMAN, Kees: Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation, Handbook for Training Field Workers, FAO, Bangkok, 1988

- Guide for Supervisors of Fieldworkers, FAO, Rome, 1982.

- KAMLA BHASIN: Breaking Barriers, A South Asian Experience of Training for Participatory Development, Report of the Freedom from Hunger Campaign/Action for Development Regional Change Agents Programme, March-May 1978, FAO. Bangkok, 1979.

- KAMLA BHASIN: Participatory Training for Development, FAO, Rome, 1976 (the first report of the above Regional Change Agents Programme).

- KAMLA BHASIN: Formulating Projects with People: Report of a Training Programme, FAO, New Delhi, Majunary, 1982.

- Training Course on Management of Small Farmers Cooperatives (AMSAC), held at Nairobi, Kenya in October 1981, German Foundation for International Development (DSE) in cooperation with FAO, Feldafing, October 1982.

- Transfer of Knowledge and Skills Among Peer Groups, A Manual on Methodology, ESCAP/FAO Inter-Country Project for the Promotion and Training of Rural Women in Income-Raising Group Activities, Bangkok, 1979.

- BOTHAM, C.N.: Audio-Visual Aids for Cooperative Education and Training, FAO, Rome, 1967 (third printing 1972).

- 45. FREIRE, Paolo: Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Penguin Book, U.K., 1972

7) Finance

- OJERMARK, Paul: Financing Development Activities of the Rural Poor: Guidelines for Action, FAO, Rome, 1984.

- The Role of Rural Credit Projects in Reaching the Poor, IFAD Special Studies Series, Oxford, 1985.

8) Asia

- DE ABREW, S.: Promoting Participation and Self-Reliance Among the Small Farmers of Sri Lanka: Proceedings of the National Level Workshop on PPP Replication held at the Agrarian Research and Training Institute, October 1987, Colombo, 1987.

- TILAKARATNA, S.: The Animator in Participatory Rural Development: Some Experiences from Sri Lanka, World Employment Programme Research Working Paper, ILO, Geneva, 1986.

- LEDESMA, Antonio: 350 Million Poor - Where Do We Start? A Review and Evaluation of Three United Nations Initiatives in Asia, viz. SFDP, ROAP and the FAO/ESCAP Group Farming and Marketing Promotion Training Workshop, ESCAP, Bangkok, 1980.

- Small Farmers Development Programme, an illustrated booklet, FAO. Bangkok, September 1982.

- Slide-Tape Presentation "A Full Moon in a Dark Night" (1979; revised annually thereafter); obtainable from the SFDP Team. FAO/RAPA. Bangkok.

- Twin projector slide-tape presentation on SFDP (1981); Small Fanners, Big Hopes (1982).

- Twenty Case Studies on Successful and Less Successful Groups, FAO Regional Office, Bangkok.

9) Africa

- de BORHEGYI, Ilona: Working Together to Reach Our Common Goals. The PPP in Africa, FAO and ISPES. Rome, 1989 (Illustrated booklet).

- The FAO People's Participation Programme in Africa, FAO, RAFR, 1988 (illustrated brochure).

- The People's Participation Programme in Africa: A Review of implementation Experience in Seven African Countries: Report on the FAO/DSE Regional Training Workshop for People's Participation Programme Project Field Staff, Harare, Zimbabwe, 26 November -7 December 1984, FAO, Rome, 1983.

- UPHOFF, N.: Collective Self-help: A Strategy for Rural Development in Ghana. FAO Report on the FAO/RAFR National Workshop on PPP Replication in Accra. Ghana, November 1987.

- Promotion of Self-Help Organizations of the Rural Poor in Africa: DSE/FAO International Conference Proceedings, Berlin, 14-19 September 1981; German Foundation for International Development (DSE) and FAO, Feldafing. Federal Republic of Germany, 1982.

- Promotion of Self-Help Organizations of the Rural Poor in Africa: Problems of implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation, German Foundation for International Development (DSE) and FAO, Feldafing. Federal Republic of Germany, 1983.

- SMITH, G.A.: Operational Manual: People's Participation Project in Zimbabwe, FAO. Rome. 1983.

- Guide pour la Gestion Appropreé des Cooperatives de Petits Exploitants Agricoles (GACOPEA) en Afrique Francophone, DSE and FAO, Feldafing, Federal Republic of Germany. 1983.

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