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Amatya, 1997. Updates on Energy Scenario and Energy Balance, Bulletin Vol. 8, No. 1, March, 1997.

BPP, 1996. Biodiversity Profiles Project, 1996. An Assessment of the Representation of the Terrestrial Ecosystems in the Projected Area System of Nepal. HMGN and Government of the Netherlands.

CBS, 1996. Nepal living Standards Survey report. NPC, HMGN, Kathmandu, Nepal.

CBS, 1997. Statistical Year Book of Nepal, Central Bureau of Statistics, National Planning

Commission Secretariat, His Majesty’s Government of Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal.

CBBC, 1998. Community-Based Biodiversity Conservation, Strategy and Operational Framework, Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation. Park and People Programme (Nep/94/001).

CES, 1998. A Compendium on Environment Statistics, 1998, Nepal, Central Bureau of Statistics, National Planning Commission Secretariat, His Majesty’s Government, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Edwards, 1996. Non-timber forest products from Nepal. FORESC Monograph, FORESC, MFSC, Kathmandu, Nepal.

FRWDR, 1998. Forest Resources of The Western Development Region, Forest Research and Survey Centre, Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, Finnish International Development Agency (FINNIDA).

GTZ, 1996. Pre-feasibility study of Churia Forest Development Project Nepal. Main Report.

HMG, 1992. National Report on United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED-92).

LRMP, 1986. Land Use in Nepal. A Summary of the Land Resource Mapping Project Results. Ministry of Water Resources, Water and Energy Commission 1986.

Maskey, T. M. 1997. State Of Biodiversity in Nepal: A Review Paper. Regional Consultation on Biodiversity Assessment in Hindu Kush (HKH) region.

MPFS, 1988. Master Plan for the Forestry Sector of Nepal. His Majesty's Government of Nepal. Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, Kathmandu, Nepal.

NFI, 1999. Forest and Shrub Cover of Nepal, 1994 (1989-96), May 1999 and various other publications of National Forest Inventory (1989-96). Forest Survey Division, Department of Forest Research and Survey, Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, His Majesty's Government of Nepal.

NP, 1998. The Ninth Plan, (1997-2002), National Planning Commission, His Majesty’s Government, Nepal.

OFMP, 1988. Operational Forest Management Plan for Chitwan District (1998-2002/03).

National Forest Division, Department of forests HMGN, Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation, His Majesty’s Government of Nepal.

SGFFU, 1998. Strategic Guidelines For Forest Utilization, Main Report, FRIS Project Paper No.10. HMGN/FINNIDA, Kathmandu, 1998.

SYBN, 1999. Statistical Year Book of Nepal, Central Bureau of Statistics, National Planning Commission Secretariat, His Majesty’s Government of Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal

WECS, 1997. Water and Energy Commission Secretariat, Volume 8, Number 3, September 1997.

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