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Brown, S., 1990. Volume expansion factors for tropical forests. Unpublished Paper. Prepared for the FAO Forest Resources Assessment 1990 Project. (Facilitado por el autor)

Brown, S., 1997. Estimating biomass and biomass changes of tropical forests: A primer. Estudio FAO Montes 134, Roma, Italia.

FAO, 1993. Evaluación de los recursos forestales 1990: Países tropicales. Estudio FAO Montes 112, Roma, Italia.

FAO, 1998. Terms and Definitions. FAO Forest Resources Assessment Programme, Working Paper 1. Roma, Italia.

Nyssönen, A. and A. Ahti, 1996. Expert Consultation on Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000, Kotka III. Proceedings of FAO Expert Consultation on Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000 in Cooperation with ECE and UNEP with the support of the Government of Finland, Kotka, Finlandia, 10-14 June 1996. The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Research Papers 620. Helsinki, Finlandia.

Pandey, D. 1995. Forest resources assessment 1990: Tropical forest plantation resources. Estudio Montes 128. Roma, Italia.

Scotti, R. 1990. Forest resources assessment 1990. Estimating and projecting forest area at global and local level: a step forward. Unpublished paper. Disponible en FAO Forest Resources Assessment Programme. Roma, Italia.

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