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1 Introduction

In the framework of the FRA 2000 and based upon a letter of agreement between FAO and University of Tuscia, a training period (as provided for by the rules of the Faculty of Forestry) has been carried out at FAO HQ as given in the following Terms of References.

1.1 Terms of References:

Training at FAO-Forest Resources Assessment for Ms. Monica Garzuglia and Ms. Federica Urbani, Forestry students at the University of Tuscia, Viterbo

Under the overall supervision of the Senior Forestry Officer, Resources Monitoring and Appraisal, the direct supervision of the Forestry Officer, Forest Resources Assessment and the Consultant at FRA 2000, the trainees will:

• Assist in reorganizing the FRA documentation room and in particular they will:

• Document/describe vegetation and forest types available in above documentation.

• Make a study of relationship between vegetation types, ecofloristic zones and geographic sub-regions.

• Create a database of the vegetation types to be linked with FAO-FRA data.

1.2 Acknowledgements

This study has been undertaken, as provided for by the rules of the Faculty of Forestry, Tuscia University of Agricultural Sciences, within the framework of the Forest Resources Assessment 2000 (FRA 2000) Project of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

We gratefully acknowledge FAO for providing us the opportunity to undertake the study.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Mr. Robert R. Davis, Senior Forestry Officer-FRA Programme Coordinator, and Peter Holmgren, FRA Project Director, under whose initiative and guidance, this study has been completed.

It would not have been possible to complete our work, without the full support of Mr. Alberto Del Lungo, Consultant for the Forest Inventories Evaluation-FRA Programme, who have constantly helped and encouraged us during the training period and offered valuable comments on the drawing up of this final report, for which we are very thankful.

Our gratitude does not repay the assistance we have been rendered both by Mr. Henk Simons and Mr. Walter Marzoli: regular discussion and fruitful comments, offered by them resulted very helpful during our work.

We sincerely thank Mrs.Christel Palmberg Lerche, Chief of the Forest Resources Management, for the courtesy and the willingness she showed us.

In addition, we are thankful to a large number of staff members: Mr. George Mu’Ammar, Mr. Rudi Drigo, Mr. Massimiliano Lorenzini, Mr. Alessandro Baccini, Ms. Patrizia Pugliese, Ms. Michela Mancurti and Ms. Lucia Travertino-Grande for the help, the support and the willingness given us, whenever we were in need.

Finally, it would not been possible to begin and complete this training period, without the full support of our professor Giuseppe Scarascia Mugnozza, which gave us the opportunity to realise this important experience and which is gratefully acknowledged.

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