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2 Global overview on the Forest Resources Assessment 2000.

The Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA 2000) will report on the state of the world’s forests by the year 2000. The framework for the FRA 2000 was set by the Expert Consultation held in Kotka, Finland (Kotka III) in June 1996. The objectives of the meeting were to agree on the FRA 2000 agenda and on how to respond to new information requirements for the year 2000 assessment. The process began in the Kotka III meeting, were a preliminary set of definitions was reviewed and edited by 32 experts from both developing and industrialised countries; and continued in the Team of Specialists meetings intended to harmonise definitions at the global level. In some case compromises between, or adjustments of, existing terms has been necessary.

The FRA 2000 information content are sorted by three main categories:


Land cover (forest and other wooded land), Protected areas, Land ownership, Ecological zones, Forest area for wood supply


Volume, Biomass, Felling and removals, Non-wood forest products and forest services.


Forest cover, Forest degradation and forest fires.

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