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4 FORIS: concepts and data-entry

Part of the relevant information found in the doc-room has been inserted in FORIS.

FORIS is a database with a statistical and geo-referenced component that serves to support the work of all of the other modules in their data-processing requirements and to generate final output including maps. The modules of the assessment based on existing information and the remote sensing survey cannot be conducted without FORIS. This component is also concerned with dissemination of results, databases and methodologies of assessment to concerned national and international institutions, worldwide.

Data entry in FORIS was also carried out as part of the training. Data were referred, in special way, to the country of the Amazonian: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela. The work referred in special way to insert new ‘references’ with their vegetation types descriptions, and the related available data.

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