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The key data requirements identified by the expert drafting group are as follows:

1.Vibrio parahaemolyticus

a. Number of total and pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus (tdh and/or trh positive) in oysters or other seafoods at harvest, that may be consumed raw or used in ready-to-eat seafood products.

b. Temperature and salinity of the harvest waters and where possible the numbers of V. parahaemolyticus in seawater.

c. Time, temperature and other relevant information that may affect survival and growth of V. parahaemolyticus during storage, handling and processing practices.

d. Survival and growth rates in food matrices applicable to typical industry storage, handling and processing conditions.

e. Numbers of V. parahaemolyticus at the point of consumption in above commodities.

f. Amount of consumption for each of the above commodities.

g. Number of illnesses reported for each of the above commodities.

h. Dose-response data of various strains in animal models or humans, and specifically quantitative data from outbreak investigations.

i. Data on effect of mitigation strategies

2. Vibrio vulnificus

a. Total numbers of V. vulnificus in oysters and other seafood at harvest.

b. Temperature and salinity of the harvest waters, and where possible the numbers of V. vulnificus in seawater.

c. Time, temperature and other relevant information that may affect survival and growth of V. vulnificus during storage, handling and processing practices.

d. Survival and growth rates in food matrices applicable to typical industry storage, handling and processing conditions.

e. Numbers of V. vulnificus at the point of consumption in raw oysters and other seafood.

f. Amount of consumption of raw oysters and other seafood.

g. Portion of the population with chronic illnesses (i.e. liver disease, immunocompromised, diabetes).

h. Number of illnesses reported for raw oysters and other seafood.

i. Dose-response data for various strains in animal models and specifically quantitative data from outbreak investigations.

j. Data on the effect of mitigation strategies

3. Vibrio cholerae

a. Number of toxigenic V. cholerae in shrimp and other seafood (wild or aquaculture) at harvest

b. Temperature and salinity of the harvest waters and where possible the numbers of V. cholerae in seawater.

c. Time, temperature and other relevant information that may affect survival and growth of V. cholerae on storage, handling and processing practices.

d. Survival and growth rates in food matrices applicable to typical industry storage, handling and processing conditions.

e. Numbers of V. cholerae at the point of consumption in cooked and raw shrimp and other seafood.

f. Amount of consumption for each of the above commodities.

g. Number of illnesses reported for each of the above commodities.

h. Dose-response data for various strains in animal models or humans, and specifically quantitative data from outbreak investigations.

i. Data on the effect of mitigation strategies.

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