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6. Recommendations to support gender responsive technology for poverty alleviation

Structural changes in rural economies, combined with the emergence of new technologies, are likely to intensify female marginalization even further in the future unless government officials and community leaders systematically consider and address rural women’s needs, and identify and deliver gender-responsive technology driven by gender specific technology demands. A framework to manage the identification and delivery of technology support services by government and other providers (supply) based on needs articulated by rural women (demand) are proposed in Figure 3. The proposed flow of technology support among various stakeholders in development such as Central government agencies and locally situated NGOs and technology centres through effective involvement of communities served. It would be important to have gender-segregated database to support the identification and transfer of gender responsive technologies for rural households. In this context the gender differentiated technology assessment for household production is a crucial activity.

The following recommendations - for capacity building, research and development, enhanced collaboration, strengthened technology transfer centres and policy change - are also elaborated in this context.

Figure 3: Proposed flow of technology support

Source: FAO/RAP GAD Programme/2002.

Capacity building

Research and development

Figure 4: Capacity building components and potential gains for rural women

Source: FAO/RAP GAD Programme/2002.

Institutional Collaboration

Figure 5: Resources mobilised for technology and technical knowledge services

Source: FAO/RAP GAD Programme/2002.

Agriculture Technology Transfer Centres (TTCs)

Figure 6: Proposed resource library to support technology transfer centres

Source: FAO/RAP GAD Programme/2002.

Policy for gender-responsive technology

Figure 7: Proposed organizational framework to mainstream gender and development (GAD) approaches in technology development and transfer

[9] The checklist developed and used during the SPPD research provides a useful set of questions aimed at village- and district-level stakeholders, which could form the basis of a gender-responsive technology assessment process (see Annex 1).

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